CliqueClack Flicks

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Another view of We Bought A Zoo

I think it’s rather a good trick to be able to enter a film you don’t want to see and come out a fan of it at its conclusion. Such was the case with this Matt Damon vehicle.

Another view of Another Earth

‘Another Earth’ was a terrific film that left you wanting more. An alternate take on this Sundance Film Festival award-winning feature.

31 Days Of Halloween – Dawn Of The Dead

The worthy successor to Romero’s original ‘Night Of The Living Dead’ is a classic in its own right.

Young Frankenstein – The week that was

As ‘Young Frankenstein Week’ comes to a close, here’s a little synopsis of what took place in case you missed anything …

CliqueClack Flicks Flashback – Mad Monster Party

This animated 1967 campy horror spoof should be in everyone’s collection who is a fan of the genre.

Of hermits and monsters: A scene review comparing Bride Of Frankenstein and Young Frankenstein

There was a method to Mel Brooks’ madness throughout the making of ‘Young Frankenstein’. I offer up one segment for your consideration.

Young Frankenstein – Captions gone wrong

Mel Brooks was all about having fun with his films. I thought I would keep in the same Brooksian spirit …

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