CliqueClack Flicks

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Remakes & Reboots Part 3 – The Controversial

After having a look at a good and a bad remake of an 80s horror film, we close out the series with a look at a controversial remake that audiences either loved or hated.

Anonymous – A movie that thinks it’s better than it is

‘Anonymous’ is a thriller/romance about the authorship of Shakespeare that fancies itself quite clever – but stumbles quite mightily along the way to a tepid conclusion.

In Time – Starts with a bang, ends with a bleh

‘In Time’ is an attempted high-concept action thriller that ultimately falls to pieces along with its overly obvious populist metaphor.

Remakes & Reboots Part 2 – The Good

We’ve had a look at the bad, but now it’s time to have a look at the good … one of the best of the 80s horror film remakes, ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D.’

Remakes & Reboots Part 1 – The Bad

Remakes, reboots, rehashes … they come in many forms from good to bad to worse. In this series, we’ll look at three ‘reboots’ in the horror genre starting with The Bad.

31 Days Of Halloween – Dawn Of The Dead

The worthy successor to Romero’s original ‘Night Of The Living Dead’ is a classic in its own right.

Flicks on DVD and Blu-ray – Captain America, Jurassic Park, and the guy who streaked the Oscars

A superhero, dinosaurs, a stuffed bear, an alien invasion, recorded conversations, classic comedians, and a naked guy on national television … it’s a home video bonanza this week!

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