CliqueClack Flicks

General Flicks posts

Young Frankenstein – Captions gone wrong

Mel Brooks was all about having fun with his films. I thought I would keep in the same Brooksian spirit …

Dressed to Kill – De Palma’s classic thriller now in HD!

Hitchcock ripoff or homage? Decide for yourself as Brian De Palma’s classic ‘Dressed to Kill’ comes to Blu-ray … and find out just what De Palma thinks about the Hitchcock comparison!

31 Days of Halloween – Alien

I didn’t even realize it was a horror film when I started watching ‘Alien’ for the first time, but by the time it was over, I realized I had watched one of the greatest horror films of all time.

Young Frankenstein – Where are they now?

For my part of Young Frankenstein Week, I chose to find out where our favorite members of the cast are at this very moment. Some stories are happy. Some … aren’t. But it’s real life, and someone has to write about it.

31 Days of Halloween – Interview with the Vampire

‘So you want me to tell you the story of my life?’ asks a long-haired, green-eyed, sharp-fanged Brad Pitt, at the start of this fantasy/horror/drama crossover. And the story he tells is unbelievably entertaining.

Young Frankenstein – Quotations in black and white

Comedic gold is the result of the efforts of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder for ‘Young Frankenstein’. If you’ve seen the movie, I’m certain you’ve uttered one of its quotes a time or two. If not, here’s your chance!

Flicks on DVD and Blu-ray – Pirates 4, Bad Teacher, Red State

From a major summer blockbuster to a controversial shocker to behind-the-scenes documentaries to Hollywood classics, we’ve got something for every taste this week.

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