CliqueClack Flicks

General Flicks posts

Glee: The 3D Concert Movie is the best episode of Glee ever!

‘Glee’ comes to the big screen – for two weeks only – in a 3D concert extravaganza with a surprise – it’s actually uplifting and inspiring.

30 Minutes or Less is two hours of my life I’ll never get back

I tried to like ’30 Minutes or Less,’ but it was bad … very bad.

The Help – Benevolent white folks save the day

If I were a total hack, I would say something like, “The Help: boy, it sure needs some,” but I’m not, so let’s move on.

Flicks on DVD and Blu-ray: Paul, Mars Needs Moms, Fast Times at Ridgemont High

It’s a big home video week of some smaller films that got little notice at the box office, family films, Blu-ray debuts, and a collection of original ‘The Saint’ films starring the great George Sanders.

Mars Needs Moms and The Fox & the Hound – What does Disney have against mothers?

Disney’s new home video releases this week – ‘Mars Needs Moms’ and ‘The Fox and the Hound’ – make you wonder just what the studio has against dear old mom.

Lucille Ball – Movie star

On the occasion of Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday, we take a look back at her career before television made her a star and a comedy legend.

A Little Help – Jenna Fischer is excellent, but not enough

Jenna Fischer admirably carried ‘A Little Help,’ but her fantastic performance wasn’t enough to overcome some of the problems with the script for this fairly unambitious little character study.

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