CliqueClack Flicks

General Flicks posts

Comic-Con presents: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 Trailer

It’s coming … the final chapter(s) of ‘The Twilight Saga.’ And direct from Comic-Con, we are giving you a first look at the new trailer.

Harry Potter Roundtable – The Clackers tell us what they really think!

The Harry Potter movie series has come to a close, and we close out our extended Harry Potter Week celebration with a discussion on the merits (or lack of) of the final movie.

Captain America saves the world!

Yet another Marvel Comics character comes to the screen this year, skillfully honoring the origins of the character and preparing us for next summer’s epic, ‘The Avengers.’

Are the Death Eaters Tea Party members?

Everyone has compared the Death Eaters to the KKK and the Nazi party, but has anyone looked at the Tea Party?

Poll: Top 10 Hottest Harry Potter Men

The actors and their characters are now legal. Watching the last movie, I suddenly realized the guys are seriously hot. Remember their chubby childhood cheeks? Well, that’s definitely no more.

Flicks on DVD & Blu-ray – Limitless, Take Me Home Tonight, Tekken and more

New home video releases this week bring stars into your home, from Bradley Cooper to Jackie Gleason … from Amèlie to Bridget Jones … an intimate portrait of Harper Lee and much more!

Harry Potter – The books are better, and that’s OK

With the film series finally completed, diehard ‘Potter’ fans like me once again put a critical eye to the adaptations. But I’m keeping it in perspective, people.

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