CliqueClack Flicks

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Flicks on DVD and Blu-ray – Immortals, Footloose, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

From immortal warriors to the Knights Who Say Ni, from Alfred Hitchcock to Ed Wood, this week’s new home video releases definitely have a little something for everyone!

Plan 9 From Outer Space … on Blu-ray … ?!?

Is the Blu-ray treatment of the world’s worst film the best utilization of the technology? Yes, it is. And it’s the best ever …

Avengers Congregate – New poster revealed … but is it any good?

‘The Avengers’ scores a double whammy of disappointment.

Project X – Impressive and appalling at the same time

‘Project X’ offers a lot of nausea-inducing shaky cam imagery with appalling and irresponsible storytelling … but it still manages to have some impressive directorial touches.

Does anyone give a rat’s ass if Sacha Baron Cohen walks the red carpet at The Oscars?

AMPAS relents and “surrenders” to Cohen … but will they give an inch or a mile?

Rooney Mara – Making a case for Oscar

The Oscar battle this year seems to be between Meryl Streep and Viola Davis. But is it too soon for Rooney Mara to win an Oscar? Guest Clacker Gari Hart makes the argument for her to win.

Flicks on DVD and Blu-ray – Hugo, Johnny English and more

It’s not a big week for home video releases, but we do have an Oscar nominee and some classics coming to Blu-ray for the first time.

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