CliqueClack Flicks

Move-related news items

Poll: Top 10 Hottest Harry Potter Men

The actors and their characters are now legal. Watching the last movie, I suddenly realized the guys are seriously hot. Remember their chubby childhood cheeks? Well, that’s definitely no more.

Flicks on DVD & Blu-ray – Limitless, Take Me Home Tonight, Tekken and more

New home video releases this week bring stars into your home, from Bradley Cooper to Jackie Gleason … from Amèlie to Bridget Jones … an intimate portrait of Harper Lee and much more!

Harry Potter memories

Harry Potter’s gone but not my memories. What are your favorite Harry Potter memories? If I share mine, it’s only fitting that you share yours.

Harry Potter – End of an Era

How do you say good bye to a friend? I have loved ‘Harry Potter’ since the first film and I have read every single book. While I don’t want to see it go, this was an awesome send-off.

Netflix takes a dump on current customers with new pricing plan

If you’re a current Netflix customer, you’ve no doubt already heard the news of the new pricing structure announced yesterday. Has that changed your relationship with the company? It has for me.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon – It did suck

Why should I care about the characters in ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’? Especially as director Michael Bay doesn’t seem to care about his audience. Or anyone. Plus there aren’t any real characters to care about. The film left me bored and angry in equal measures.

Flicks on DVD & Blu-ray – Arthur, Rango, Insidious and more

New home video releases include a remake of a classic comedy, an animated film with the voice of Johnny Depp, a couple of horror films, some sci-fi cheese and women in prison!

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