CliqueClack Flicks

Movie and DVD reviews

In Time – Starts with a bang, ends with a bleh

‘In Time’ is an attempted high-concept action thriller that ultimately falls to pieces along with its overly obvious populist metaphor.

CliqueClack Flicks Flashback – Mad Monster Party

This animated 1967 campy horror spoof should be in everyone’s collection who is a fan of the genre.

The Thing – A smartly written horror prequel

In an era of bad sequels and worse remakes, we’ve got a genuinely enjoyable horror prequel. And just in time for Halloween.

Footloose is a great remake of an even better original

If you hate the idea of a ‘Footloose’ remake in general, I’m not going to be able to talk you into how good a movie this is. It’s a damn shame too, because it will completely be your loss.

Vincent – A loving homage to a horror icon

For this guy? Tim Burton’s classic 6 minute short is part of a Vincent Price love affair … in black and white and animation all over.

Submarine – Coming of age in Wales with a lot of charm

‘Submarine’ takes on the those awkward teenage years with respect and style, creating rounded quirky characters that are looking for more in life than sex (but don’t be mistaken, they are looking for sex).

You’ve got to give Real Steel a chance

Some people aren’t going to give ‘Real Steel’ the benefit of the doubt. If you think it is basically Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots: The Movie, you’re really going to be missing out.

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