CliqueClack Flicks

Reviews of new movies released in theaters

Fright Night is a campy movie trying to take itself too seriously

For some reason, I didn’t expect ‘Fright Night’ to be what the previews lead me to believe. Unfortunately, I was both correct … and incorrect.

The Whistleblower – An almost successful drama on a horrifying subject

‘The Whistleblower’ is a dramatic thriller based on real-life events about human trafficking that is stretched a bit too thinly for its premise.

The Guard – I’ve never missed Ireland more

Within the first two minutes, ‘The Guard’ easily cements its place as one of the best comedies of the year, and it only gets better from there.

Final Destination 5 – Here’s blood in your eye!

If you’re a fan of the ‘Final Destination’ franchise, this is the must-see movie of the summer … and see it as it was meant to be seen – in gloriously gory 3D!

Glee: The 3D Concert Movie is the best episode of Glee ever!

‘Glee’ comes to the big screen – for two weeks only – in a 3D concert extravaganza with a surprise – it’s actually uplifting and inspiring.

30 Minutes or Less is two hours of my life I’ll never get back

I tried to like ’30 Minutes or Less,’ but it was bad … very bad.

The Help – Benevolent white folks save the day

If I were a total hack, I would say something like, “The Help: boy, it sure needs some,” but I’m not, so let’s move on.

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