CliqueClack Flicks

Reviews of new movies released in theaters

Zookeeper – Mildly amusing and mostly unobjectionable family comedy

‘Zookeeper’ is the latest Kevin James slapstick comedy – this one wrapping a by-the-books romantic comedy together with very few clever moments from talking animals.

Horrible Bosses – A funny modern comedy with an old school spirit

‘Horrible Bosses’ is a successful comedy with an excellent cast with only minor issues that won’t prevent you from laughing more than a little.

Larry Crowne doesn’t live up to the promise of its cast

You’d think with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts on the same screen, it would be cinematic gold. Unfortunately ‘Larry Crowne’ is just OK.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon – It didn’t suck

Although I would give the machines an A for acting and the humans a C+, ‘Dark of the Moon’ proved a surprisingly enjoyable summer film. It won’t win any Oscars for writing, but the action proved solid and the script cohesive.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon – There was a second movie?

Could things get any worse for the ‘Transformers’ franchise after the last movie? The answer is a resounding no as ‘Dark of the Moon’ totally rocks and becomes the best film of the series!

When it comes to living life, we’re all just Beginners

Director Mike Mills brings his personal story of life, relationships and his father’s coming out at age 75 to the big screen and engages viewers by making them think and interpret his message all on their own.

Green Lantern from a non-fan perspective

Don’t read comics but want to see ‘Green Lantern’? Have no fear, because it probably plays better to the uninitiated than it will to the hardcore fans.

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