I loves me my beer. I’ve had many different kinds through the years, from the cheapies to the premiums, and I’ve had a hand in making my own batches from time to time. I’m sure many of you are reading this and thinking one of three things:
“I don’t drink.”
“Only 16?!”
“I need but one reason: it’s beer.”
No matter what your reaction may be, you might be surprised to learn some of the beneficial and extraordinary uses for beer around the home, both for drinking and not drinking. Here’s a small list of some of the reasons why you might want to keep some handy, though there are plenty more where these came from….
- Due to its high content of brewer’s yeast, beer is a source of B vitamins, which contribute to a healthy nervous system and digestive system. Vitamin B-complex also helps to improve and stabilize moods. I can think of a few people who could use a bit more of that.
- Beer is fat and cholesterol free.
- Beer can help reduce stress.
- I have it on good authority that it works excellently as Wil Wheaton bait and in some cases can be used as currency.
- You can cook with beer. It’s especially good as a meat marinade. I’ve also used it for the ever-awesome beer can chicken recipe in the summer.
- A 2006 study published in the journal “Stroke” shows that moderate alcohol consumption of the likes of beer can help reduce the risk of strokes.
- Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, both found in beer, can help with sleeplessness. Hops have been used for centuries as a sedative and has even been used to cure insomnia.
- It’s Friday.
- Beer can help prevent heart attacks by improving blood circulation.
- Take a bath in beer: the yeasts are good for softening and soothing the skin. This just makes me cry a little at the thought of it all going down the drain.
- Trouble on the can? The barley malt in beer makes it a good source of fiber.
- The mineral silicon in beer can help improve bone density. A study has shown that people who have one drink each day have about a 20 percent reduced risk of hip fracture.
- Use beer to get rid of slugs in your garden. A can or bottle of beer set out overnight will often be full of slugs in the morning. The slugs are attracted by the yeast smell and fall into the beer, where they are anesthetized by the alcohol and drown. Insert Homer Simpson gurgling sound here.
- A 2005 study published in the European Journal of Cancer shows that the bioactive compounds in beer can help battle cancer. Those same bioactive compounds help speed up metabolism.
- Beer can help keep a man’s junk working in top form. Beer is high in zinc, which is essential for male potency and prostate health.
- You never know when I’ll be over for a visit.
Disclaimer: The above mentioned is for entertainment and recreational purposes only. Always drink responsibly and legally or not at all.
Photo Credit: tambako / flickr
I loves me some beer too, but really hate all the bottles leftover after 2 or 3 people come over and have 2 or 3 beers each. Rinsing them all and finding a way to put them in the dishrack to dry without toppling them over is a bitch. :/
You forgot the timeless words of Ben Franklin:
Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.