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Only a few more days to get fat on Thin Mints


thin_mint_0305Readers, I have some bad news for you. Or maybe it’s good, depending on how tight your belt has gotten over the last two months. In a few more days the last orders will be placed, the tables will be folded and the 2009 Girl Scout Cookie season will officially come to an end.

Oh, don’t look at me that way! You know you feel just a pang of sadness that you won’t be able to stop and conveniently pick up a box of Tagalongs to carry you over until dinner (or for dinner). Or buy a case of Thin Mints for the “people at the office.” No matter if you’re on a weight loss plan, or saving some extra money during these hard economical times, there’s always room for a box of your favorite Girl Scout Cookies.

If you sit there long enough while chewing on your Lemon Chalets you could probably argue that the first few months of the new year are more fattening than Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Halloween combined. Yes, the Christmas season is at least a month, but the variety of fattening food features more than just cookies. The other holidays mentioned are usually week-long deals that come and go with only a pound gained here or there.

The Girl Scout Cookie season is three months long (longer for those who order cases of the stuff). Not only do you imbibe in the cookie goodness at home, but you also partake at work, at the gym, at the tattoo parlor, and anywhere else these cookies just happen to pop up. Not to mention that you can’t avoid the Cookie Booths that are staffed by adorable Daisies, Brownies and Girl Scouts who remind you of your daughter or niece and just make you buy two cases of Tagalongs. Before you know it you’re pulling out those elastic waist band pants from the attic.

When your kids are involved with Girl Scouts it’s even harder to avoid the darn things. I currently have two daughters involved right now and the temptation has been strong to order more than only a few boxes of our favorites. We’ve maintained as much as we could, but manning the Cookie Booths has weakened us. I mean it seems okay to order a few more Do-si-dos when a customer comes up to the table and orders five or six boxes as well.

What else can I say? If we as a country have an addiction it’s to Girl Scout cookies (and reality TV series). That’s why I implore you to head out onto the open road this weekend in search of a Cookie Booth. Buy up a bunch of Lemonades and Daisy Go Rounds, store them in the freezer and savor them. For in a few short days there will be nary a crumb left and you’ll be kicking yourself until next year.

Categories: Clack, General, Snacks

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