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Tropicana bends to my will (and the will of many others)


Orange JuiceIf you aren’t a drinker of Tropicana orange juice, then you probably haven’t noticed the change in packaging that they rolled out a few months ago. When it first came out, I wrote about the new packaging and how much I hated it. In short, it looked generic and the distinguishing features between each different type of juice was minimized. I never really got used to the new packaging, and it didn’t help that they changed the color of my low acid orange juice the last time I went to the market.

Imagine how excited I was, then, when my cousin e-mailed me this article from the New York Times, which says that Tropicana is going back to the old packaging!

That’s right, Tropicana has seen the light — they have listened to… me! Well, they listened to me, along with a lot of other angry and annoyed consumers. It turns out this whole internet and blogging thing actually serves some purpose. Most of the complaints that swayed Tropicana came from the internet, through blogs and even twitter accounts. Behold the power of the blogosphere!

Unwarranted self-backpatting aside, I think this is great news. Great because it’s what I want, but also great because I think it illustrates a beautiful point: sometimes change for the sake of change is just not the right answer. It seems like marketing people often want something “new and fresh” for their products even when the well known and classic is working just fine. I hope this is a lesson to all those overly ambitious ad folks who think they’re Don Draper.

Photo Credit: ginnerobot/flickr

Categories: Clack, Features, Food Rants, General

2 Responses to “Tropicana bends to my will (and the will of many others)”

March 22, 2009 at 7:56 PM

I don’t see anything wrong with the new packaging myself, but I like it when companies redesign their products. Well, except Pepsi, they really screwed most of their products up (mostly Pepsi itself). I think instead of going back to the old Tropicana, they should have just tweaked it, like leaving the orange with the straw off, I mean I have tried to drink an orange with a straw once and it didn’t work. Other than that the “old” one is just fine. Now maybe more people will complain about Pepsi in the blogosphere and I will definitely be impressed!

March 23, 2009 at 5:20 PM

This is great news!!! I hope it happens soon bcause I feel like a dope every time I stand at the orange juce display and I stand at the orange juice display and I stand at the orange juice display. You get the idea…….it takes me forever to find the one I want. Low Acid is the best and many times I find it is sold out. So we go without. Will welcome the old packaging back.

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