CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

Oh Subway! You just lost a customer

It was a typical day in Anystate, U.S.A. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and passers-by were getting tagged by gangs of spray paint-wielding young adults. As usual, I was in my palatial 9 square foot cubicle, emailing angry correspondence to customers in order to ensure my seven-figure salary. Around noon I began […]

So, here’s what I made for Mother’s Day

Sooo, how was your Mother’s Day? Did you, um, have a good day with Mom? Did you per-haps forget about my plea for assistance on what to make for Mother’s Day? I’d completely understand, of course, as you had your own meals to prepare for your wives, daughters, mothers, grandmothers, etc. So, I didn’t expect […]

What am I making for Mother’s Day? I have no friggin idea.

Soooo, how’re things? You, um, doing anything on Sunday? Per… haps making something for your Mom/Wife/MomMom on Mother’s Day? Any…, uh, anything you want to pass on? Okay, I’ll admit it… I need help! At this moment in time I’m utterly clueless as to what I should make my lovely, beautiful, hard-working wife for Mother’s […]

Dominos’ cure for insomnia – pasta in a bread bowl

I used to be a fan of the whole ‘bread bowl’ concept. Soup or stew ladled into a small, hollowed out loaf of one bread or another… how is that not a bad idea? Not only would you enjoy the meal inside the bowl, but you could actually pick at the bowl itself in order to […]

The Simplicity of … Pancakes – Outside the Box

For decades a debate has raged around millions of breakfast tables as to the best way to prepare pancakes. On the one side you have those who feel that box mix pancakes are the best, and most convenient, way to go. On the other side you have the purists who wouldn’t touch a package Bisquick with […]

Fast food + nearby schools = fat teenagers

When I was a kid, lo those many scores ago, schools were never built around retail and food outlets. They were on hills. Steep hills. Hills that you had to climb upwards, both ways, without shoes, during daily blizzards, while hauling a sack of coal on your back (since you worked in the mines before […]

Fructose-sweetened beverages are bad for you. Get! Out!

News flash! Or, maybe not. We’ve known for years that the use of high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener has led to increased obesity and heart disease across all age ranges. Now, after a controlled and randomized study, it’s more or less verified. During a three month period researchers at the University of California, Davis, concluded […]

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