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Scott Peacock’s slow baked tomatoes, enhanced with my extras

Scott Peacock thinks there’s a new American style of cooking in the works, which combines getting back to our roots with enjoying wholesome ingredients. I say he’s right.

At what point will you walk out of a restaurant?

How long do you have to be ignored in a restaurant before you walk out? Would you ever walk out? Come share my dilemma.

What should I do with my fresh figs?

Fresh figs are a rarity here in New England, so when they called to me in the produce section of the supermarket, I grabbed some. Now, what to do with them….

Bento boxes for school lunches are the coolest

I’ve always been a little less than Martha Stewart would approve of, so do I have the stuff to make bento box lunches for my kid?

Tomato harvest from our CSA farm – Lick My Lens

This gorgeous bowl of many-colored tomatoes graces my kitchen island. They are almost too beautiful too eat … almost…

21 things to do with green beans

Green beans are so simple to prepare and since they can be made into so many dishes, why not try them all?

Quinoa tabbouleh my way

Tabbouleh, wheat-free and wonderful, permeated my week, the season and my thoughts. It only stands to reason I would create a quinoa tabbouleh recipe as soon as I could get to my kitchen.

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