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Redneck Cooking


Redneck Thanksgiving – Redneck cooking

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. And despite all of the advertisement, it’s not a day off from work to go shopping for so-so deals on so-so electronic gizmos to give away for Christmas. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for all that is right and good in your life. A day to spend with family […]

Can I have a home cooked meal for $5.00?

With the cost of everything shooting up I have been looking a lot closer at what I am spending and trying to find ways to cut the costs. As I sat thinking about this while the TV droned in the background, a commercial for a national chain of sandwich shops came on. they were touting […]

Sour chicken casserole – Redneck Cooking

My Idea of something different for dinner is adding some onion or bacon to my burger instead of having them plain. My wife, on the other hand, thinks cheeseburgers once a week is too often. She likes to try different things and likes a variety in the weekly menu. This chicken casserole is a good […]

Kalua Pig – Redneck Cooking

Every Friday at work we have a treat day: a different person each week brings in food for the group. This is voluntary and we do have some people that do not participate. For those of us that do, we get something tasty each Friday morning. Sometimes this treat is doughnuts from the grocery store […]

It’s so easy to be cheesy – Redneck Cooking

Happy Halloween everyone. I hope you all are having a good Halloween. I thought about writing a piece about some cool spooky Halloween kind of dish. I came up with the idea of making a meatloaf into the shape of a hand or a foot or something. Then I came across the Not Martha website. […]

Bean and Ham soup: A Redneck treat – Redneck cooking

I have always liked beans. They are cheap, easy to store, and will last a long time if stored properly. There are many varieties of dry beans available. With so many different beans to choose from you can change the flavor of any dish just by changing the type of bean used. Whether pinto, lima, […]

Disaster eating – Redneck Cooking

In past posts I have joked about the Zombie Apocalypse. It is a fun topic and is easy to write about as there are so many movies out with various scenarios of how this could come about. Today I want to take a more serious look at disaster preparedness. No matter where you live in […]

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