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Eat, Drink and Be Snarky


Is it possible to be addicted to a grocery store? – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I suffer from a serious addiction. Alright, so maybe it’s not that serious, but it’s an addiction nonetheless. I am completely and utterly reliant on Whole Foods Market. I have no idea what I would do without it. The sad truth is (and I am not even kidding in the least): a huge part of […]

I am a food snob – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Is this really news? I’m not sure if it’s come through from my posts yet, but I am indeed a food snob — a huge food snob. If it isn’t obvious, I do all my grocery shopping at my local Whole Foods Market (or as some of my friends have dubbed it, “Whole Paycheck”). I […]

My problem with sushi – Eat Drink and Be Snarky

I love sushi. I love the rice, I love the fish, I love the wasabi. I love the big beautiful plates they serve it on. I love the pickled ginger. I love chopsticks, miso soup, and seaweed salad. I. Love. Sushi. Look at those beautiful slices of salmon up there… Oddly enough, salmon is easily […]

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I am the devil – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I love to cook. This is not news. There are so many things about cooking that I love — things that might seem odd or even boring. I love to chop vegetables. I love to trim large cuts of meat. I love to handle raw chicken. I know, I’m strange. There is one thing about […]

I hate Girl Scout cookies – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

It’s that time of year again! Yes, it’s girl scout cookie season! It seems like everywhere I turn there are tiny boxes of crappy cookies. That’s right, I said crappy. Come close and I’ll let you in on a little secret: girl scout cookies aren’t very good. I’ve known this for quite some time, but […]

I am Bob, destroyer of food processors – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

That’s right, everyone, I have killed my food processor. I was recently making some super delicious scones and decided to use my food processor to mix the dough. I don’t have a standing mixer and I think that the food processor cuts the butter into the dough better than a mixer can, anyway. The problem […]

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