CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian
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Hold the Meat – Is my baby trying to tell me something?

One of my very first Hold The Meat columns dealt with whether or not we were going to raise my then-six-month-old baby as a vegetarian. While we haven’t yet made a final decision regarding this issue, lately I feel as though my kid has been trying to tell me something. The photo above is an […]

My favorite vegan desserts – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Let me just say it loud and clear: I’m in no way, shape or form a vegan. I don’t think it’s healthy or appetizing. But […]

French toast on steroids – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I love French toast. You probably don’t know that, since my boys are obsessed with pancakes and muffins, so we just never seem to make it anymore. Well, I’m going to work on them this week, and tempt them so completely that they will not be able to resist my Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread French […]

Tater Soup is good for the soul – Redneck Cooking

While the weather out West here has been fairly hot lately I was watching the news and they were talking about how cold it has been back in New York. I also have friends on Twitter from Michigan and Wisconsin that have been telling me about how cold it has been there. As I sit […]

It’s Not Meat, It’s You – Portuguese vegetarians? They do exist!

I may not have met any yet, but they do exist. A friend of mine is cooking for a bunch of people at a festival she helps organize every year, and around ten of them are vegetarians. She gets stressed out enough as it is trying to cook for a bunch of people, but the […]

Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus – Brew Review

If I wanted to try out a new beer, I could always head out to the local (and awesome) Julio’s Liquors and spend hours trying to decide what that new something will be. But sometimes the easiest place to find a new kind of beer is at someone else’s house. And who do doesn’t love […]

Fresh herb vinaigrette – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Like Molly, I champion the homemade salad dressing, and I’d go so far as to say I shun the bottled monstrosities out there. I feel […]

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