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High-tech Redneck Cooking

How many of you use Twitter? I have mentioned my use of Twitter several times in my posts and I always update my followers when new posts go up here on CliqueClack Food. Twitter is a great tool. There are millions of people that use Twitter as well. I have a very diverse group of […]

Kitchen disasters – Redneck Cooking

Well I intended to post the best possible breakfast imaginable this morning. I had it all worked out. In my dreams last night I came up with the perfect recipe. I had picked up some fresh cherries at a road side stand in Naches Washington last weekend and wanted to use some of them for […]

It’s Not Meat, It’s You – Beans, beans, the magical fruit…

Don’t worry, I’m just childish enough to start that sentence, but not finish it. One reason I never thought I would be a successful vegetarian was because of my own misconceptions about nutrition, specifically protein. I thought if I wanted to get enough protein in my diet, I would have to eat tofu or some […]

Hold the Meat – How Ruby Tuesday broke my heart

While restaurants have gotten a lot better about having vegetarian options on the menu, very few offer anything beyond the standard portobello sandwich or meatless pasta dish. The closest they’ll get to catering to vegetarians is offering a veggie burger. Unfortunately, the veggie burger is invariably the food service version of a Gardenburger or Boca […]

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