CliqueClack Food
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It’s Not Meat, It’s You – Third time’s the charm

Here’s hoping, anyway. That’s right, this is my third attempt at vegetarianism. Fourth, if you want to get really technical, but there’s no reason to go ahead and ruin a perfectly good cliché. Here’s the thing: if you think I’m picky now because I can’t eat onions, sushi, rare meat, etc., you have no idea […]

Chocolate vegetable muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

If you ask my dad, he’d tell you that morning is not the time for chocolate. Isn’t it a sad existence to have such innane boundaries? Of course you may eat chocolate in the morning, and if you open your mind, really open it wide, you’ll enjoy it like no other time of day. There’s […]

Shock Top Belgian White – Brew Review

So I’m at by brother Eric’s place this past weekend for a party. Like everyone else in my family, he humors my beer snobbery by stocking decent beers like Sam Adams. Occasionally, though, he underestimates my thirst and, wouldn’t you know it, that supply he bought three months ago is gone! Now what the hell […]

It’s Not Meat, It’s You – Where do you draw the line?

When it comes to food, everyone has a line. Except maybe Bear Grylls, that is. I’m pretty sure that dude will eat anything. But you get what I mean. I have a friend who will only eat meat with no bones, because the bones remind her too much of what her meal once was. I […]

Is it possible to be addicted to a grocery store? – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I suffer from a serious addiction. Alright, so maybe it’s not that serious, but it’s an addiction nonetheless. I am completely and utterly reliant on Whole Foods Market. I have no idea what I would do without it. The sad truth is (and I am not even kidding in the least): a huge part of […]

Hold the Meat – Eat a PETA

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. What a great concept. I am all for the ethical treatment of animals. In fact, that is why I’m mainly okay with hunting: if you’re going to kill and use an animal for food, shooting it is a much better way than electrocuting it, or smashing in its […]

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