CliqueClack Food
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Fast food + nearby schools = fat teenagers

When I was a kid, lo those many scores ago, schools were never built around retail and food outlets. They were on hills. Steep hills. Hills that you had to climb upwards, both ways, without shoes, during daily blizzards, while hauling a sack of coal on your back (since you worked in the mines before […]

Fresh fig and fennel pizza – Pizza Clack

Bob Degon‘s got me thinking about foods that go well together. He’s come up with a great idea for a new feature — Perfect Pairs — and he’s already made me salivate with his first entry, the spectacular combination of pomegranate and chocolate. I’ve got a few pairings I’ll be writing about soon enough, but […]

Potato veggie pancakes – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Breakfast: give me a muffin and I’m good to go. It’s too bad I have that little voice inside me, telling me that my body really needs good nutrition to feel good. Yeah, and to look good; I’m vain enough to admit that it’s not all about the healthy cells on the inside. So instead […]

Veggie Chili or Vegetable soup? – Redneck cooking

As those of you that read my posts regularly know, I am a sensitive person. I care about and respect everyone and their opinions. When someone has an opinion that is different than mine I respect that and listen to their idiotic babbling thoughtful insight. When they say something mean I turn the other cheek […]

Hold the Meat – Wait, what do I eat?

I mentioned in my intro post that when people find out that I’m a vegetarian, the question I get the most is, “wait, well what do you eat?” These aren’t even people like my brother-in-law, who would literally die if meat was taken out of his diet, because he would be down to like, 70 […]

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I am the devil – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I love to cook. This is not news. There are so many things about cooking that I love — things that might seem odd or even boring. I love to chop vegetables. I love to trim large cuts of meat. I love to handle raw chicken. I know, I’m strange. There is one thing about […]

Nori is not for me – Maki Clack

I’ve been reading Maki Clack since CliqueClack Food came into existence. My sushi experience is limited to trying nigiri sushi once, and it was horrifying. Raw fish is just not my friend. Yet, Debbie had me very intrigued with all of these tasty-sounding vegetarian combinations. Plus, I had never given nori a shot. Nori is […]

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