CliqueClack Food
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Milk: it doesn’t do my body good – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Everyone has that one weird food thing, right? For some people it’s fish; they just can’t eat it. For others it’s red meat or sushi. I think everyone has some sort of food stigma that they can’t get past. For me, it’s milk. I know, I know, it does a body a good, blah, blah, […]

The search for the elusive McRib – Fast Food Generation

In the history of McDonald’s, many sandwiches have come and gone. There was the McDLT, which kept the hot side hot and the cool side cool in a non-environmentally safe Styrofoam package; the Angus Burger, which featured a third pound of artery-clogging Angus beef on a bun, and the McKrabby Patty, which was only available […]

Pizza Clack – Butternut squash, sage and prosciutto

One of our favorite things to cook together as a family is pizza. Sure, the bread machine makes the dough, but I stretch it out on the pan (or Keith rolls it out and grills it when weather permits), Owen pinches and snitches chunks of raw dough while he spreads the sauce on, and we […]

Two mouth-watering breakfast sausages – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

You already know that we love banana chocolate chip pancakes, strawberry oatmeal muffins and eggs. What you don’t know is that Keith is a breakfast meat junkie. Me? I prefer an egg over-easy with my starchy breakfast goodness, or on a rare day, a slice or two of uncured, all-natural turkey bacon. In the interest […]

Hey Food Network, where’s all the Asian cuisine? – Food on the Tube

I love watching Food Network “in the kitchen” during the mornings on the weekend. More often than not, I’ll see something that inspires a dinner that night or sometime during the week. Watching these blocks of cooking programs, however, leaves one big question in my mind…. Where is all the Asian cuisine? Food Network has […]

Tröegs Rugged Trail Nut Brown Ale – Brew Review

My previous two Brew Reviews were based on beers that I’d had more than once, so this week I set out to try something completely new. And since I was in the mood for (and am a big fan of ) brown ales, I picked up a sixer of Tröegs Rugged Trail Nut Brown Ale. […]

Eggy goodness wrapped in nori – Maki Clack

We celebrate the egg here at CliqueClack Food: Isabelle the Rookie Cook learned to make eggs over-easy, Bob discussed making Eggs Benedict, we wondered if eggs are just for breakfast, and Heidi Swanson treated us to a Tasty Frittata. It was only a matter of time before we glorified the egg sushi. Better known as […]

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