CliqueClack Food
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Eggs over-easy – The Rookie Cook tries her first recipe

I love eggs. Sadly, I can’t cook an over-easy egg to save my life! So unless someone makes the eggs for me, I don’t eat them as I can’t make them. Some people tell me I can’t cook my eggs the way I want to because I don’t have the right pan and spatula. Others […]

The Rookie Cook sets up her kitchen

Hi! I’m Isabelle, a rookie cook who wants to learn more about cooking in order to add variety to my table and also to eat better and healthier. Each week, I plan to share with you my experiences in learning how to cook, be it a new technique, a new tool, a new recipe or […]

Bagels! – Let’s Get Baked

This week we’re going to make bagels — from scratch! I will repeat the recipe here, but if you would like detailed instructions on how to make dough from scratch, please see the first post I did for this column. Look for the recipe after the jump. I want to start by saying that I […]

Hey, it’s National Hot Tea Month!

There are two things that get me through life: one is television, and the other is tea*. I don’t think I could function without either one. January is National Hot Tea Month! Not that tea lovers need a special designation to remind them to drink tea (and these cold days make a perfect time to […]

Avocado, sprouts and other healthy stuff – Maki Clack

I swear, I’d eat anything if you wrapped it up in nori and served it to me. OK, almost anything, but you get my point. I don’t necessarily tend toward the vegetarian sushi, since the raw fish is so darned tasty, but when I’m making it on the fly, especially for my four-year-old, the veggie […]

How to make bread dough from scratch – Let’s Get Baked

A simple-to-follow recipe for making your own bread dough from scratch.

One Unpleasant Chubby

I like trying new things. I’m an adventurous eater and I never back away from something different. When I was younger, my whole family and I used to trek to an annual game feast at a local restaurant for about ten years, through the course of which I tried, amongst others: boar, frog, turtle, bear, […]

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