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Curry for breakfast! – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I love curry. For a while there I was making a big bowl of curry almost once a week. I would buy a package of fresh cut stir fry vegetables from my local Whole Foods Market, along with a can of coconut milk, and some meat (usually chicken breast or pork tenderloin). It was an […]

Fruit sushi – Maki Clack

Did you think last week’s oatmeal sushi was off the beaten path? Wait until you get a load of this week’s fruit sushi. We’re not talking about wrapping some seaweed and rice around melon, although that would be rather tasty, wouldn’t it? Oooo, with a little prosciutto, or even prosciutto instead of the seaweed … […]

Crazy Maki – Maki Clack

This week, I’m clacking about a couple of crazy makis that you might not try making on your own but are sure fun to read about. I take that back… if you enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, you very well might be dreaming up how you’d create something similar to these interesting makis. I’ll share […]

Hey Food Network, where’s all the Asian cuisine? – Food on the Tube

I love watching Food Network “in the kitchen” during the mornings on the weekend. More often than not, I’ll see something that inspires a dinner that night or sometime during the week. Watching these blocks of cooking programs, however, leaves one big question in my mind…. Where is all the Asian cuisine? Food Network has […]

Eggy goodness wrapped in nori – Maki Clack

We celebrate the egg here at CliqueClack Food: Isabelle the Rookie Cook learned to make eggs over-easy, Bob discussed making Eggs Benedict, we wondered if eggs are just for breakfast, and Heidi Swanson treated us to a Tasty Frittata. It was only a matter of time before we glorified the egg sushi. Better known as […]

Heirloom Recipes: Nana’s Hawaiian Chicken

The best part about family recipes that have been passed down may not always be the actual recipe. Sometimes, it is the memory the recipe invokes. Growing up, I remember going to my Nana’s house frequently for dinner, sometimes with just my family and sometimes with my aunts, uncles and cousins. I’ve got to say, […]

Maki for the carnivore – Maki Clack

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you really can shove just about anything inside a sheet of nori and have it taste good. On thing I’ll admit to never having tried though, is hamburger maki. Yes, you read that right: I’ve found a recipe for a hamburger sushi roll. Before you go […]

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