CliqueClack Food
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Sweet and sour chicken wings with no refined sugar or chemical sugar subsititutes

How much do you love sweet and sour chicken wings? That gooey glaze, licking your fingers when they are sticky and covered in that gooey glaze, the golden-brown, appetizing color of the wings, covered in that gooey glaze. You guessed it: for me, it’s all about the gooey glaze. But to get that gooey glaze, […]

Sixteen healthy crock pot meals – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about healthy crock pot recipes (five to be exact) and I’m sure it won’t be the last. More and more, I’m finding — thankfully! — crock pot […]

Pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

It’s no secret that we love pancakes in our house (chocolate chip banana pancakes, buttermilk pancakes, all good things about pancakes….), especially for a weekend breakfast. It’s pretty much a tradition that every Saturday morning, Keith whips up a batch of the-flavor-of-the-week pancakes, often involving chocolate chips. We can’t change who we are, even at […]

Pop culture treats: deep fried, homemade Twinkies

A. Camille Nicholson is a graduate student in Cultural Studies and English Literature. Although she worked as an E-Commerce Developer during the .com’s height, she attributes her burgeoning interest in the culinary/baking arts to her volunteer duties at a local non-profit bakery and the past two years teaching cooking classes for kids. I have loved […]

Kalua Pig – Redneck Cooking

Every Friday at work we have a treat day: a different person each week brings in food for the group. This is voluntary and we do have some people that do not participate. For those of us that do, we get something tasty each Friday morning. Sometimes this treat is doughnuts from the grocery store […]

Cline ancient vine zinfindel and dark chocolate: now that’s a Friday night

I don’t ask for much these days. As a mom of an almost-five-year-old who really, really likes me to put him to bed, I don’t get out much. So after a long week, when Friday night finally rolls around, I drink. I know what you’re thinking, but work with me here. I’m not talking vodka […]

Serving wine with turkey is easier than you might think

Our (apparently coerced) Guest-clacker today is Stephen Degon, a retired manufacturing and engineering executive whose hobbies include food and wine. That means he loves to cook, eat, and drink, but not write about it. Well, it’s that time of year again, when we all start to think about the perfect Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving is such […]

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