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Sweet and sour cabbage wedges – Recipe Test Drive

I really love cabbage. It’s delicious when it’s raw and crunchy, and I love the sweetness it takes on when braised. I love sauerkraut, cole slaw (mayonnaise free, of course) and simply snitching chunks of cabbage when I’m preparing it. Yeah, I’m a little weird. I was looking for a recipe I’d never made before, […]

Bashing recipe bashers – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Commence rant. Alright, I have a bone to pick. There is something that’s been gnawing at me for a while and this past weekend it finally came to a head. I was browsing the internet, looking for appetizer recipes trying to find something that I could bring to a cookout. I kept going back and […]

Hold the Meat – There’s always room for pasta

Pasta. Talk about universal and unifying. Everyone likes pasta, and if they don’t, then you can quickly weed them out from the group of people with whom you should associate, because they are clearly insane. When I moved in with a meat eater, we would make pasta most nights, because it was an easy dish […]

Zucchini and Balsamic Risotto

Last week I talked about how much I love risotto. This risotto recipe is actually the one that inspired the post. It featured sauteed fresh garden zucchini (which I know you’re trying to get rid of this time of year), and reduced super-sweet balsamic vinegar. I served it with some steak, but to be honest, it […]

The Fall Harvest – Redneck Cooking

Summer is over and fall is finally here. I have been looking forward to fall all summer. Harvest time is my favorite time of the year. The vegetables in the gardens are getting ripe. The peaches are getting ripe. In the mountains the wild blackberries and huckleberries are getting ripe. The fall wild mushrooms are […]

Chocolate coconut milk ice cream – pardon my drool

As I sit down to my laptop, I am unconvinced as to whether I will even be able to write this post. As soon as I start describing the homemade ice cream we made tonight, I’m sure I’ll be running to the freezer — multiple times — to snitch from the double-batch I made. Yeah, […]

Ode to Risotto – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Risotto is awesome. Is that news? I was making a steaming pot of it this past weekend, thinking about just how awesome it really is. It’s a great comfort food: it’s hot, creamy, soul-satisfying, and definitely sticks to your ribs. I think it might just be the greatest food for the single folk. There’s something […]

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