CliqueClack Food
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Avocado, sprouts and other healthy stuff – Maki Clack

I swear, I’d eat anything if you wrapped it up in nori and served it to me. OK, almost anything, but you get my point. I don’t necessarily tend toward the vegetarian sushi, since the raw fish is so darned tasty, but when I’m making it on the fly, especially for my four-year-old, the veggie […]

Hummus to impress

I know what you’re thinking: hummus is everywhere, and has become so passe that it couldn’t possibly impress your guests if you choose to serve such a plebian appetizer. I am here to silence you naysayers and offer you a variety of ways you can easily dress up hummus to make the most impressive  party […]

Recipe Test Drives – Crostini of Chicken Liver Pate with Balsamic Onions

Every year on Christmas Eve, my extended family gathers and eschews a full meal in favor of a massive spread of appetizers. It usually ends up being a huge hodgepodge of different dips, finger foods, and snacks. The one constant every year is my father’s tourtiere, a traditional French Canadian meat pie. It’s always the […]

The world’s easiest sushi rolls

Nori … maki … unagi … saki … toro … my mouth is watering just writing these delicious Japanese words. Why? I am a self-proclaimed sushi junkie, and so are the other members of my household. My son could say “sushi” as young as 12 months old, and it wasn’t much after that he’d tell […]

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