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Sour cream – Outside the Box

…er, make that “tub.” If you’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo with some delicious Mexican food, why not ditch the little plastic container filled with stabilizers, emulsifiers, and who knows what else, that you call “sour cream”? Yes, it is completely possible to make your own sour cream, and it is not only way yummier than […]

The ultimate margarita recipe

Back in the day, I was once a huge, Jimmy Buffett parrothead. For those of you not into the lingo, that means I was a big fan of his. I went to many concerts down at what was once called Great Woods in Mansfield, MA, starting as early as possible in the tailgating festivities. I […]

The Simplicity of … Pancakes – Outside the Box

For decades a debate has raged around millions of breakfast tables as to the best way to prepare pancakes. On the one side you have those who feel that box mix pancakes are the best, and most convenient, way to go. On the other side you have the purists who wouldn’t touch a package Bisquick with […]

Balsamic reduction sauce – The world’s easiest

I almost feel guilty making a post out of this sauce, because it barely takes any work at all. Heck, it’s barely even a recipe. With two ingredients, it’s more of a technique than a recipe, but I figured it might be helpful to some folks. Plus I’ve added a nice variation at the bottom […]

Asparagus, fingerling potato, and goat cheese pizza – Pizza Clack

Man, I wish I could be more like Debbie. She makes her own spelt pizza dough; I buy the pre-made Harris Teeter-brand dealie. She cooks exciting things that she just has laying around the house; I have to go on a grocery excursion. She’s finding inventive ways to cut carbs from her diet; I decide […]

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