CliqueClack Food
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Hold the Meat – Quorn is like porn (of the food variety)

Having been a vegetarian for nearly thirty years, very little in the field of meat-replacement technology surprises me. I grew up on Morningstar Farms, so that’s my go-to company for veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, and the like. Having never had a hamburger or a sausage patty or whatever, whether or not what I’m eating […]

Inspirational chick pea salad

It was crunch time… about 5:15 and I needed a side dish to serve with the grilled orange roughy Keith was so painstakingly cooking out on the deck. I like to think of myself as an organized, prepared person, but somehow the planning for tonight’s menu went south. I had chick peas and several veggies. […]

Polenta with sausage tomato sauce – Feed me!

After a few days of client meetings, complete with hurried lunches over piles of documents and one too many conference room cookies, I wanted nothing more than to eat a home-cooked meal at my leisure over a glass of wine. Sometimes, enough is enough! As I walked toward the subway, the damp early spring chill […]

Bacon Bear Pepperoni Pizza – PizzaClack

I read the post Debbie wrote about the bacon asparagus pizza the other day and I thought, pizza sounds really good. So I read the post again. Yeah, definitely need to have pizza. Luckily I had a pizza crust mix tucked away in the back of the pantry. I dug out the crust mix and […]

Eggplant moussaka in the crock pot – Recipe test drive

I’m sure you’ve all been there, so follow along with me…. You plan a crock pot meal because you know you’ll be having a busy day, and it’s so easy just to pop dinner into the slow cooker in the morning, right? So you find a recipe that looks good, get the ingredients ready for […]

This lamb rub is spectacular!

Cooking for my dad is an intimidating thing. Not only is he the true gourmand of the family, but it is really difficult to find a meal to cook in which he will not poke his nose in and help with (read: take over) the cooking. So my siblings and I took advantage of his […]

Six fun kids’ breakfasts – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Being a mom is hard. Sometimes we forget that kids are placed on this earth to remind us that things can’t always go our way. They do things like refuse to eat foods that they like, just to irritate us. For instance, Owen loves vegetables, has always loved vegetables, and until recently, would eat them […]

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