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All-in-one breakfast muffin – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Hey, have you heard about the importance of a good breakfast? OK, I jest, because we all know that a healthy start to our day is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. From helping keep us slim to supplying our bodies with enough energy to tackle our busy day, a […]

Only a few more days to get fat on Thin Mints

Readers, I have some bad news for you. Or maybe it’s good, depending on how tight your belt has gotten over the last two months. In a few more days the last orders will be placed, the tables will be folded and the 2009 Girl Scout Cookie season will officially come to an end. Oh, […]

Nobody doesn’t like National Pound Cake Day

Today is National Pound Cake Day. When I was a kid, I used to eat an entire pound cake myself every single week. Well, let me clarify that: I used to eat an entire pound cake myself in one night. Usually a Friday or a Saturday night, in front of the television. It was Sara […]

You’re the scone for me

Scones are an odd thing. I think they’re a very polarizing treat. I happen to love them, but know a lot of people who can’t stand them. I think a lot of the problem is that those people who hate them really just want a muffin. As any scone lover would tell them, however, a […]

Rice cooker risotto: it can be done – World’s Easiest

My prime motivation of laziness resulted in a brilliant discovery tonight: risotto can be made in the rice cooker. No, really. Stop — you sound like my dad. It really isn’t always about technique, you know. Sometimes the right ingredients and a little ingenuity can create an amazingly flavorful dish. We were going to make […]

Veggie Versions – Gumbo

I recently moved, and while there are many benefits to my new abode (I haven’t heard anyone yell, “GUN!” followed by, “COPS!” once!), one of my favorite things about the new digs isĀ  the fact that I have a decent kitchen. My big New House Resolution is to get in the kitchen some more and […]

Pizza Clack – Butternut squash, sage and prosciutto

One of our favorite things to cook together as a family is pizza. Sure, the bread machine makes the dough, but I stretch it out on the pan (or Keith rolls it out and grills it when weather permits), Owen pinches and snitches chunks of raw dough while he spreads the sauce on, and we […]

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