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Easy chocolate orange truffles

This is one of my favorite truffle recipes (and I’ve tried a lot of them!). It is easy to make and it’s super-rich, for the chocolate-lover alone. If you dabble in the chocolate, this one’s probably too much for you. It’s based on a recipe by Chris from A Little Ol’factory, but I’ve altered it […]

Favorite bread machine pizza dough – Pizza Clack

You can’t make pizza without dough — that’s a given. And the kind of dough you want to use is probably based somewhat on your tastes but mostly on your availability — do you have time to make the pizza crust of your dreams every time you want to make homemade pizza? It would be […]

Asian chicken salad – Clean Out The Refrigerator Meals

Yesterday was one of those days. OK, this week was one of those weeks: I didn’t make my usually weekly menu and plan for the dinners each night, so when I got to last night’s meal (late, after Owen’s karate class!), I was thinking of opening a can of soup and being done with it. […]

Mushroom lasagna with pancetta and sage – Recipe test drive

It’s Laura’s birthday today, so I offered her the dinner of her choice last night. After much hemming and hawing, she settled on lasagna. I found an intriguing recipe for mushroom lasagna with pancetta and sage on Cook’s Illustrated (subscription required). It’s a little more involved than the dishes this busy cook usually attempts, but […]

Chocolate chip banana pancakes – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

I look forward to weekend breakfasts: the leisurely enjoyment of a special meal stands out as a highlight of my week, especially when contrasted with sucking down an English muffin while working on my computer, which is my standard mid-week breakfast. Another fun part about weekend breakfasts is that they are a group effort: Keith […]

The real California roll – Maki Clack

OK, I admit I’d eat almost anything if wrapped in a sheet of nori, but I do tend to steer clear of California rolls. I’m offended by the fake crab-like substance, and really, why is it called a California roll anyway (I think it is actually because there is avocado in it)? But strangely enough, […]

Today is National Blueberry Pancake Day!

I never have blueberry pancakes. It’s not that I don’t like them, I do. It’s just that when I get up in the morning I’m usually rushing around so I just grab a cup of tea. I know, I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yada, yada, yada. But taking the […]

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