CliqueClack Food
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Bagels! – Let’s Get Baked

This week we’re going to make bagels — from scratch! I will repeat the recipe here, but if you would like detailed instructions on how to make dough from scratch, please see the first post I did for this column. Look for the recipe after the jump. I want to start by saying that I […]

January is National Soup Month (Mmmmmmmm)

OK, now this makes sense. The other day we had New England Clam Chowder Day, which seems like more of a summer food holiday than a winter one (though I guess that depends on what part of the country you live in), but National Soup Month in January is a no-brainer. As we’ve learned from […]

Bananas, ripeness and big trouble – Food Rant

There’s big trouble at our house — big with a capital B — and that stands for Banana. Oh, you’d think a bowl full of ripe bananas would be a good thing (and we’ll get to that), but lately, there’s some cause for concern — in the center of our kitchen island is a huge […]

A good crock pot chili … at last!

Consider it the Holy Grail … I’ve been searching for a good crock pot chili recipe for a long time now. In true Indiana Jones style, I’ve fled from runaway boulders on food websites, I’ve sunk in the quicksand of cookbook after cookbook, and I’ve waded through the pit of snakes, finally to come out […]

An ode to savory muffins

Would you believe I had never tried a savory muffin before? Please, line me up for the blueberry with the streusel topping, the pumpkin corn muffins or the zucchini carrot. Out of all the muffins in my repertiore, I’d never thought to try a savory one. Until last night. It was one of those serendipitous […]

Make some blonde brownies tonight

Blonde Brownie. Sounds like the name of a superhero. By day, Vera Crane is just another secretary holding down a nine-to-five job at a Manhattan corporation. But at night she becomes … The Blonde Brownie! Today is National Blonde Brownie Day. These were always called Blondies when I was growing up (at least I think […]

Christmas eve pea soup – Heirloom recipes

In my family, we celebrate Christmas Eve Polish style (a/k/a Wigilia).  In the version passed down from my maternal grandfather’s side of the family, we have share five meatless courses:  opłatki, homemade pierogi with cheese and dried fruits (another post altogether), pamouli (bulgur with stewed apricots and prunes), cabbage and red beans and pea soup. […]

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