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The World’s Easiest


Salmon salad nicoise – what a twist!

I probably make salad nicoise far too often. Let’s face it — it’s embarrassingly easy to steam green beans, boil potatoes and toss it all together with salad, olives and tuna. It makes the perfect dinner salad. In an effort to mix things up a bit, I really rocked my family’s world last night when […]

Potato Salad – The World’s Easiest

In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear, I’m not super-comfortable in the kitchen. In fact, one of the reasons I started writing for CliqueClack Food is because I had a baby and wanted to become more comfortable so I could feed my family well. So it should come to no surprise that I don’t […]

World’s easiest tomato sauce – Pizza Clack

Do you have a favorite pizza sauce? As much as I love a good old fashioned red sauce pizza, I tend to detest jarred pizza sauces. They are never the right consistency for me (too smooth and runny) and they’re too salty. I’ve gotten around that in a couple of different ways. Sometimes, I’ll just […]

Spice up your broccoli

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I’m sure: I love broccoli. I really think I could eat it every night of my life and I’d be okay with it. I love it that much. Sometimes, though, I do like to do something different with it. As much as I like it […]

Sour cream – Outside the Box

…er, make that “tub.” If you’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo with some delicious Mexican food, why not ditch the little plastic container filled with stabilizers, emulsifiers, and who knows what else, that you call “sour cream”? Yes, it is completely possible to make your own sour cream, and it is not only way yummier than […]

Balsamic reduction sauce – The world’s easiest

I almost feel guilty making a post out of this sauce, because it barely takes any work at all. Heck, it’s barely even a recipe. With two ingredients, it’s more of a technique than a recipe, but I figured it might be helpful to some folks. Plus I’ve added a nice variation at the bottom […]

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