2013 CBS drama previews: what the Magic Eight Ball says

This September will bring a whole slate of new television on the broadcast networks. Curious what the dramas will be like? Today CliqueClack previews some of the new shows coming to CBS this year.
Yesterday, I previewed ABC’s slate of new dramas. Today it’s time to take a look at what CBS is serving up. Since the Tiffany network is returning eleven hour-long dramas from last year (along with three hour-long reality shows), there’s not a lot of room for new material. You’d think with position like that, they’d be able to pick from the cream of the crop.
We’ve only had the chance to look at two of the three new dramas. One is a drastic change from the network’s regular fare, while the other fits right in. Will CBS’s strategy of trying something new work out?
Hostages (Mondays 10:00PM)
It seems like most of the networks were taking chances with high-concept dramas. Hostages definitely fits that bill: the family of a surgeon scheduled to operate on the President of the United States is held hostage to force the doctor to make a fatal error while in the operation room. Hostages should be right up my alley: a political intrigue thriller where the lines between black and white are more than a little blurry. Sadly though, the first episode just falls flat.
Verdict: The DVR is going to have a hard time recording this against The Blacklist and Castle.
Magic Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: My reply is no.
Intelligence (Midseason, Mondays 10:00PM)
Like the last couple of years, the broadcast networks are holding back several of my favorite pilots for midseason; Intelligence is on that list. Ever since the finale of Lost, audiences have been waiting with bated breath for Josh Holloway’s return to television. I can assure you (ladies) that he’s just as roguish as he’s always been. He and Megan Ory (Once Upon a Time) have great chemistry, and the show’s got the one ingredient that I think makes NCIS one of the most watched shows on television: It’s fun.
Verdict: Intelligence had me at hello, and I’ll figure out a way to work out the DVR schedule later.
Magic Eight Ball Chances of a Second Season: As I see it yes.
CBS Pilots not yet available to press: Reckless (Midseason)