Win free passes to After Earth in Baltimore or D.C.

Are you looking forward to seeing Will and Jaden Smith in ‘After Earth’? CliqueClack has free passes to advance screenings in Baltimore and D.C. Find out how you can win a pair!
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CliqueClack has partnered with Sony Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our readers in the D.C. and Baltimore areas free passes to the advance screening of After Earth, starring Will and Jaden Smith.
Screenings will take place as follows:
- Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
- Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Winners for this promotion will be selected at random. Twenty-five winners will be selected for each screening. The contest runs from Noon, May 20 — Midnight, May 25. Winners will be notified by email by Sunday, May 26. All you need to do to enter is leave us a comment telling us why you want to see the movie. Please take note:
- CliqueClack will email you a unique GoFoBo code to print out a maximum of two Admit One passes. These codes will not be valid for more than one registered GoFoBo account.
- You MUST state which city you want passes for. Comments without this information will not be included in the drawing.
- Please make sure your email address is correct when leaving a comment. Do not post your address in the comment section as this is a public forum.
- ONE comment per person, per email address. Duplicate entries will be discarded.
- Passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so plan to arrive early.
- CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or the seating at the theater.
Again, passes are very limited so leave your comments now!
I want to see if M. Night can redeem himself from his last few movies – for DC please!
I would like to request passes to the Washington, D.C. screening. Thank you Clique Clack!
i would like to see it at …. Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
thanks cliqueclack

Want t o see famous Father/Son acting together plus Love Sci FY movies, White Marsh, MD Please & Thanks !
Wanna see the movie because I think this might be m night’s first good movie since signs
Big fan of will Smith
Would love to see this one! Baltimore Please.
White marsh, please. Anxious to see this one!
I would love to see After Earth in DC. Thank you.
I want to see this movie because I truly believe that something like this can happen so its interesting to see the visions of others with similar views.
Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
Post-apocalyptic movies are all the rage right now and this is the first one of the season so I want to see the movie to get a sense of what to expect and because out of all the others that care soon coming, this one seems to have a really interest concept.
Passes for Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C, please!
I want to see if M. Night Shyamalan is still capable of directing good movies.
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I would like to see After Earth because I love those post earth type movies. Also Will Smith is a Great Actor and it is good to see him pass the torch to his son! Baltimore, MD Thank you.
I would like DC screening to After Earth. Thanks.
Would love passes to see it at AMC White Marsh! Curious how the movie will be and to see how Will Smith and his son are together again!
Love sci-fi movies and would love to see this one.
White Marsh, MD please.
Can’t miss this one. Baltimore please
Would love to see this in the DC Market! Thank you!
I would love to see this in white marsh please.
Can’t wait to see Will Smith with his son.
Baltimore, MD please
I think it great that Jaden wants to follow in his dads footsteps…he has some big shoes to fill. I would love to see the chemistry between father and son. I would like tickets to the Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD showing, thanks
I would like to see the film After Earth starring Will Smith and Jaden Smith as I enjoy watching this particular father and son duo act so well together on film. The theme of the science fiction drama of a post-apocalyptic Earth only adds to the anticipation of wanting to see this movie.
Washington, DC venue – Regal Gallery Place, please
Long time supporter of Pinkett-Smith….besids, Jada is from the DC area.
DC is my ticket area!
I would like to see this movie because I am a big fan of Will Smith. Thank you in advance! Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C. screening please.
I want to see how this holds up to the other Sci Fi summer movies this year! For the D.C. showing please!
I love these types of movies about future Earth. Would love passes to the DC screening. Thank you.
I want to see if Jaden can bring the magic that he brought to the karate kid to an M. Night movie. Would lvoe to see it in DC
Washington DC, Looks like an interesting movie
May I please go to the movies on this date : Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
Thank You !
I would love to take my son to see this movie. Thank you for the opportunity to win passes. I would prefer DC. Thank you again.
I want to see this movie because I love apocalyptic plot lines
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Love Will Smith Movies, and would like to see the father/son pair in action.
Washington, DC please!
I would love to see After Earth at …. Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
thank you cliqueclack
Love watching a father & son work togethe. Plus is ooks like an amazing movie!
Washington D.C.
I would like to see it Wednesday, May 29, 7:00 pm, Regal Gallery Place, Washington D.C.
thanks cliqueclack
Would love to see this one! DCPlease.
I am very curious about the acting dynamics between father and son. I also like the concept of the movie. I am interested in DC Passes.
I would like to see these father and son space travelers in D.C.
To see if Will Smith can break the M. Night curse. Baltimore, please!
please pick me
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I’d really love to see this movie! I’m a huge Will Smith fan and this looks like a really amazing movie. The plot is cool and I love seeing Will and Jaden act together. It makes the movie that much greater!!! Please picke for the DC screening!!!
I want to see this movie because I love sci fi space movies. Space as a whole has untold possibilities for stories and imagination.
Baltimore Market
I wanna see how many times Jaden squints like the suns in his eyes throughout the movie. HAHA Plus will is an amazing actor.
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I love Sy Fy and Will Smith, thanks for the chance to get passes!!
Washington, DC
This movie looks epic! And I can’t wait to see Jaden act in thbis new movie! Looks so intense!
I would love to see this movie because I love all things Sci-fi
also I am curious to see both father and son on film, since Jayden Smith is much older now
AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
I’d like to see After Earth because I’m a Sci-Fi fan and the movie looks interesting.
Preferred City: Baltimore
I’d love a tickets to the D.C. showing of After Earth
I’m always intrigued by M. Night Shyamalan movies and it wold be interesting how he directed Will Smith and his son. And we all want to know whatcameo Shyamalan will give himself in the movie!
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I would like to see “After Earth” because I think Will Smith is a great actor and this movie intrigues me. I would like to request passes for DC.
I’m a fan of Will Smith, so I’d like to see After Earth.
City: Baltimore
I am curious to see how the father son duo will work together in this movie. And I like science fiction.
Washington DC
I would like to win movie passes to see Will and Jaden perform in Baltimore.
I want to see if M. Night Shyamalan can captivate like he once did. Also, who doesn’t love Will Smith?
Washington DC
jenkins.eddie (at)
(Washington, DC) – Earth is my favorite non-Kuibert Belt Object planet, and I really like to see movies with “Earth” in their titles… e.g. “Another Earth”, “The Man from Earth”, “Here on Earth”, “Heaven on Earth”, “Earth”…etc. Thanks!
I would love to see the movie at Gallery Place in Washington DC. I want to see Will Smith on the big screen again.
I would like passes to see After Earth in the Washington Dc market please. Thanks
Greg A
I would love to see this movie because I am a Will Smith die hard fan and would love to see him and his son work together. I would like to see in at Regal Gallery Place in Washington, DC.
I love Will Smith movies, He is one of the best actors ever.Please send me a pass Chuck!!! Thanks , Baltimore please.
I want to see this movie because I think Will Smith is a great actor.
Washington, DC (Gallery Place)
Would love to see this in White Marsh, MD
I want to see this movie because I think Will Smith is a good actor. Baltimore area
Will Smith is awesome. Baltimore please
I want to see the movie because i’m a huge will smith fan. I would like Baltimore tickets
I want to see this because I love action and science fiction films.
Thank you!
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Cant wait to see this! DC please
Baltimore Please. Looking forward to seeing Will Smith with his son Jayden.
I would love to see this
Raheem Dawodu, Washington DC
Been a Wil Smith fan, would like to see father and son perform again.
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My bad, totally forgot to enter the required info.
Washington DC area,
I’d like to see father and son perform again.
Thanks. It also says do not put your email in the comment because this is a public forum, but you are now entered into the drawing.
Have wanted to see Will and Jaden together again since Pursuit of Happyness.
Passes for Washington DC please.
Baltimore area. I would love to see Will and his son Jayden together again on there second movie and watch how Jayden is getting better at his craft.
Baltimore, MD
I’m wanting to see whether or not M. Night Shyamalan will make a film that will not make me feel that he should retire from Hollywood. After ‘The Last Airbender’, this film better be good.
I would love to see this movie because I want to know what was imagined for Earth in 1000 years without humans.
DC please
Baltimore please.
Can’t wait to see
I love Will Smith
DC please
As a single mom of a 15 years old. I already spend most of my free time taking her to various performance training and opportunities, or volunteering in the community. The last month has been very rough for me as I have had to really step up caring for family members which leaves even less time for me! But I recently decided to make time for me, doing things I really love to do! My absolute favorite thing is watching movies in the theater. As soon as I saw the preview for this movie I knew I HAD to see it! I would love passes to this movie in DC!
Father & son movies are great
Father and sons real life DC
Big Will Smith fan. Love his movies.
Washington DC area please.
Will Smith is amazing! And to see him act with his son will be ridiculous, especially with the family issues they are currently having.
Jaden was awesome in the new Karate Kid.
Washigton, DC area please.
Looking forward to seeing Will and his son in their next feature together. Baltimore please!
Gotta see will and his boy at White Marsh AMC, in Baltimore PLEASE!!!
I wanna see this movie.
I forgot to mention that I would like passes for the screening in Washington, DC.
I would like passes to see After Earth, Washington DC please.
I am a huge Will Smith fan, and I would LOVE to see this movie!!!!! Baltimore Screening Please……….
i have been waiting to see this baltimore please
I would like to see this film because I’m a fan of M. Night Shyamalan and Will Smith! I’m also interested in what else Jaden Smith can do on the big screen.
Baltimore please!
I would like passes to see After Earth in Washington DC. I want to see it because the fresh prince is my favorite!!
I would love to have tickets. Please pick me…thanks
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Would love passes to see if After Earth can help Smith and Shyamalan regain some credibility.
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I would like to get passes to the screening at AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD for May 29th!
Would love to score tickets. Looks like.a DC please.
My sister would LOVE to see this movie!!! Please pick me!
Washington D.C
I want to see if Will Smith yells “Welcome to Earth!” like in Independence Day.
Washington DC screening please.
The Concept to this is Pretty Amazing! I love SYFY and Will Smith *get jiggy with it*
Washington D.C
Wash, DC please…thx!
So excited about this movie. I am such a huge Will Smith fan and would love to see this screening. O please O please O please pick me to receive passes!
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Would really really love to see this movie. Huge fan of anything SciFi
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I love most Will Smith movies and I would love to go to see this with my Father who also Loves Will smith movies
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Jaden is a good upcoming actor and the director Mr.Shyamalan is well know for his good sci-fiction flicks I would love to watch this move-DC please
I would love to see this movie with my 12 year old son. I would love to see Will Smith appear along with his son in a sci-fi thriller such as After Earth. Baltimore please!
My little brother and I make it a habit of watching any Will Smith films, so I would like to treat him to this advanced screening for his birthday coming up. If selected, I would like Baltimore tickets please.
I would love to see Will and Jayden in another movie together! White Marsh location please
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see After Earth!!!! DC baby!
Baltimore screening
Looking forward to a new M. Night film!
I would like to see this movie in Washington, DC. I’m a fan of Jaden and Will Smith.
Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
i loved Will and Jaden in Pursuit of Happyness and would love to see them together again in After Earth in the Wash, DC screening market at Regal Gallery Place. thanx.
Washington,Dc I realy enjoy watching Will Smith movies
I would like passes for Baltimore. Thanks
Love to see after Earth in DC
Will Smith in another summer blockbuster -can’t wait! DC Please.
I want to see the character progression between these two. See how their on screen chemistry has changed since the pursuit of happyness. DC
I would like passes to the Washington, DC Screening.
I would like to win passes for After Earth here in DC. Thank you!!!
I want to see After Earth because Will Smith is my favorite actor and I love movies with him in it!
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thank you for telling me
End of the Earth movies ROCK!! I loved I am Legend and super excited to see his son all grown up in a role with his dad!
Baltimore passes pretty please.
love Will smith
Baltimore please
I want to see After Earth because Will Smith is my favorite actor and I love movies with him in it!
I would love to see this becuase i am a HUGE jaden smith fan and i rep his MSFTs line he is so cool and i would do anything just to have one convosation with him + i will smith reminds me of my father so much its unbelievable!!! This would be so amazing if i won this and i would remember it foreverX!- location – (D.C)
I love Sci Fi movies and to see Will Smith in another Sci Fi movie now playing with his son should be epic.
I’d like the passes for DC.
Would love to see Will and Jaden together and to see what kind of twist is in this m. night movie. Passes for Baltimore.
fan of the director and actors.
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I want to see the movie because I am a huge fan of Will Smith!!!
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DC Please!
I would love to see Will and Jayden in After in Washington, DC. It’s the closest I will ever get being in the Royal Smith family!!! Love them!!!
I would love to see how life is After Earth.
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I would love to see this movie at Regal cinema in Washington DC. I enjoy M. Night’s movie and the trailer looks great!!
thank you!!
Because I have been waiting SO MANY MONTHS TO SEE THIS!
DC screening please!
Sandra Cruz
Huge fan of Will Smith since his days as Prince of Bel Air.
DC Screening please.
Thank you
Will Smith really can’t miss with summer movies. This should e as action packed as his others with great cinematography and visuals. Plus we will see him team up w his son again. Would love to go. BALTIMORE PLEASE.
I really wanna see this movie because I love Will Smith and it would be great to see he and his son act together in a movie . This movie looks like its going to be good too.
Baltimore, MD
I would love to see the amazing duo do their thing! This is a movie buffs true moment! Excited..Thanks CliqueClack
I would like to see the movie for the great cast!
Washington, DC
I would like to see the amazing duo do their thing yet once again. Different energy, would be a delight to see the madness take place. I would like to see the movie at the washington dc location. Thanks CliqueClack! ….true movie buff…excited!
I want to see After Earth because it looks like an interesting and entertaining movie. Not the most interesting or entertaining answer lol but its the truth. AMC White Marsh in Baltimore, MD please and thank you.
I am interested to see how this film turns out based on what seems like an interesting premise. Also big time Will Smith fan!
im all for a will smith action movie
screening in dc
M Night and Will Smith should be a great combo!
Washington, DC
Will Smith is great at saving the world over and over again! Baltimore screening please!
I just want to see if M. Night Shyamalan redeems himself. And besides I would never give up the chance to see Will Smith. And most important the movie looks very interesting. I’m very curious.
Washington, DC Please!
I would like to see another side of father and son duo.. The Pursuit Of Happiness was real good.. lets see the action side..
Washington DC please
I am a fan of Will Smith and science fiction, however, I’m not sure the Director was the proper choice for a science fiction film. It will be interesting to see the movie to draw my own conclusion. I’d like to see the movie on June 29 in Washington DC at the Regal Gallery Place Theater.
dc please, big fan of the director and actors!
Hello, I would LOVE to see the Movie After-Earth starring Will and Jaden Smith! I am a big fan of Will Smith “I love That Man” and I can watch his movies for a life time even the western. I think the movie is going to be a great success. Will is an amazing actor and brings life to all the films he has been in. It will be even that much more intriguing to see him and his son play in a sci film together. Hope no PRAY I am selected to see this screening. I want to take my daughter with me to this one. Looking forward to an email on Sunday
I would like tickets to the Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD showing,
I would like to go see the screening for After Earth I keep seeing the previews of this movie and it is eye cathcing. I like to watch films starring Will Smith so I would like to have a chance to see this even before it is released. If I am selected to see the screening I would like tickets to Baltimore screening in White Marsh, MD for Wendessay 29,2013. Thank You
I want to see it in Washington D.C, Muchos Gracis!!!
I want to see it in Washington DC please!
I would like advance screening for Washington DC please!
I would like to see it in DC because I am interested in this is the second theme movie where Earth has been abandoned. It brings up different aspects of what people think the future might be of Earth.
I love scifi and this looks so good so I’m hoping that M night is going to make me a believer again.
So I should have said I would like to see this movie in DC because I love scifi and I’m hoping M Night will come up with another classic…it’s been a while.
This Looks Good
Can not wait
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Saw Will Smith on the David Letterman show Monday night and he did an impromptu of his hit “Summertime”. IF I am selected to receive tix for After Earth, I want to see if Smith can work the movie audience like he worked the
tv audience. Also if he is willing to share the big screen with his son as
Smith turned down the lead in Django because he said it wasn’t enough screen time and he needed to be THE STAR. Also we need to see if M. Night Shyamalan can get back on the hit track If selected I’m in the D.C. movie area.
This looks like a great and very interesting movie. I’d love to take my 11-year-old to see it on Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD.
I loved Will Smith in I Am Legend and Jaden in Karate Kid…It would be so AWESOME to see them act together. I’m sure it’s the beginning of another Sheen-like dynasty. Please send passes for White Marsh, MD. Thanks! Kristyjk
Will and Jaden together in one movie? Pretty darn awesome if you ask me. Please send me passes for Baltimore. Thanks.
I lovefamily oriented movies. Baltimore, MD. Please.
I want to go see this movie because my son loves Will Smith and Jaden Smith from karate kid!
I want to take him for his birthday!
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I want to see After Earth because I am a huge fan of Will Smith!
Washington DC please!!!
I want to go see this movie because my son loves Will Smith and Jaden Smith from karate kid!
I want to take him for his birthday!
Baltimore MD please!!
Would love to see this film for the White Marsh location. I am a mom who NEEDS to get out the house and enjoy a night out watching Will Smith!!!!
I would lile to see after earth in dc because it has will smith. He is a really awesome actor. It would also be nice to see him and his son acting together in a movie
Love it when this father son duo take the stage. Baltimore please.
Would love to see Will Smith in action with his son. Passes for White Marsh please. I am a big Fan
My daughter is jumping up and down to see this, sooooooo…..PLEASE help me stop the voices in my head here in the Washington, DC market.
Love will smith would love to see in in Baltimore, MD
I would like to see the famous Smith’s actors in action at baltimore. Big Fan of this family.
Thanks Clique Clack!!!!
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For Baltimore please. I would love to see the chemistry of Will and Jaden on the screen again. Love them as a family and this will be a great action film for father and son!
White Marsh, MD (Baltimore) I want to see the Smith family in a action movie together. We’ve seen them in a drama. This movie should be epic!
Wow I want to see Jade Smith in action. Ilove Will Smith
Baltimore Please. Thanks thanks.
Hanover or Baltimore MD
Washington DC pass please
I would love to see this movie with the SMITH boys. I adore Will Smith!
Washington, DC please. This movie with Will and his son looks good. I hope its as good as “Pursuit of Happiness”
I would love to see this movie in Baltimore because I love post apocalyptic movies. I also like the emotion and dedication that Will Smith puts into his performances and after watching Jaden Smith on The Karate Kid, it is clear that Will is working with him on displaying emotion on screen. I have been looking for screening tickets for this movie for a long time now and I am really looking forward to seeing this movie.
I would like DC screening to After Earth. Thanks.
i wouldlove to see will smith and his son play in the movie whitemarsh please
I would like passes for Wash. DC, thanks
I love Will Smith and I want to see him in action with his son. Baltimore. thanks
A must see movie to kick off the summer with a great start in Washington, DC. Thx
I would like pases to Wash. DC
I would love to see this movie because I love any movie Will Smith is in. Also love that his son is his co-star.
Baltimore, Md
All I need ….2 tix…Thank you much!
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White Marsh please! Can’t wait to see Will and Jaden!
I am soooo excited to see father & son Smith work together again!
Baltimore please! I am soooo excited to see father & son Smith together again!
I would love to see this movie at Regal Gallery Place in DC, please! Will Smith and his son are great actors!
I’d like to see this movie beccause I’ve recently started to enjoy sci-fi movies. Plus I really like Will Smith.
DC passes
I think they are going to make an awwwwwwsome pair in this movie…can’t wait to see it
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Hey….it’s gonna be a great movie with lots of action….can’t wait to see it!!!
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Please pick me I love will smith and this one will be a great success
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I want to see After Earth because I love sci-fi movies and I can’t afford both the ticket and the popcorn.
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I would like to watch Will Smith’s new movie at Regal Gallery Place in DC. This looks like it will be a summer blockbuster hit. Thanks!
I want to take my son. He would be so geeked, yes, truthfully, I would be too.
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I would like to see this screening on Wednesday, May 29, 6:30 pm, AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Will smith is my favorite.
I want to see this movie because Will Smith is one of my favorite actors. I would love passes for the DC location. Thank you!
i want to see this movie because as someone who does not have a close relationship with her dad, watching a father and son not just interact but work together, trust one another, love one another, be proud of one another, baffles me completely but in the most beautiful and interesting way possible.
ps. dc screening please
I want to see if M. Night can redeem himself from his last few movies – for Washington DC please!
I would like to be considered for showing at the Gallery Place, Wash DC.