American Idol: Why Nicki Minaj was late to the top 10 performances and other stuff

The first of the live performances revealed what we already know: The guys need to step it up. Quick step it up. Double time it. *Anything* to get to the level the girls are at. For one guy that’s not going to happen … ’cause there’s a dude leaving come elimination time.
I would be lying if I didn’t state there were some interesting aspects to the Top 10 Perform show on American Idol Wednesday evening. Both overall and on a personal level. (Not the least of which was Nicki Minaj’s tardiness. More on this below.)
Speaking in generalities, the gals are definitely outgunning the guys thus far. Even Janelle Arthur’s *meh* performance of Montgomery Gentry’s “Gone” superseded anything the testosterone contingent offered. And I don’t even like Janelle. Not right now, anyway.
Curtis Finch, Jr. started out in the wrong key, was often flat during his performance and seemed anxious throughout. (The fact he picked a previously-sung Fantasia song didn’t garner any points in my book. But it was “Music of the American Idols” night on the show, so whatcha gonna do?) And while Devin Velez did better in the third slot of the night than the two before him, it didn’t carry over to the plain vanilla set of Lazaro Arbos nor of Burnell Taylor. Both their tunes were just there. Nothing special. (I’ll save my comments about Paul Jolley for a tad later.)
The gals? Well … post Janelle and her practically flatline offering, Angie Miller did as we all expected her to do — predictably and easily. Nothing especially different, just typical Angie. Which is to say it’s time for her to do something completely different to shake things up. We know she can wow us; now we want to see something out of her comfort zone before folks start getting bored. (I do, anyway.) Candice Glover and Amber Holcomb? The songs they sang were nice and tidy and comfortable. But Kree Harrison’s turn at the mike in putting Roy Orbison’s “Crying” out there … well, that was a little bit bold and very welcome, complete with an arrangement that befitted her style. (Yes … I have somewhat of “a thing” for Kree.)
Now … Paul Jolley? He was the surprise of the night and the best of the guys. I have little regard for him, but he did make me sit up and take notice with his turn. Is he the hopeful who is going to surprise me and win me over this season? I don’t see that happening, but I’m keeping my eye on him just the same. There are always (yes … I used “always”) surprises tucked in the folds of an Idol season and he is one of the first ones for me after last night. Paul has a long way to get me to board his train, but stranger things have happened. That’s all I’m saying.
Now, regarding the videos above: There are two things I want you to watch for. One is the wandering, often strange mind of Nicki Minaj, the other the struggling mind of Mariah Carey. Minaj has become this season’s Steven Tyler with her goofy analogies. (Note: A theory of mine as to why she was late to the broadcast Wednesday night: She was honing her “waffle” story, didn’t quite have it right and decided she needed a little more time to polish it, the “show must go on” rule be damned. Side Note: The “polishing” didn’t help.) Carey? I don’t know what to think of her. She’s throw-away and pointless. Why she’s being paid millions to sit at the judges’ table is beyond my comprehension.
Who gets the first ticket home? No clue. But I’d bet dollars to donuts it’s a guy. Watch for it.