Goodbye CliqueClack. Hello Hotchka.
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello, everyone! It has come time for for us to say goodbye.
Hello, everyone! It has come time for for us to say goodbye.
Is a spirit board a simple plaything or a tool of the Devil? The new film ‘Ouija’ shows us that it’s definitely not a toy.
‘Need for Speed’ is the latest in a long line of film adaptations of video games to completely and totally crap the bed.
‘Duck Tales Remastered’ is a video game remake that’s ludicrously fun, challenging as needed, and filled with about a zillion things to trigger nostalgia for past glories.
With ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ hot off the presses and playing at a theater near you, it should also be noted that there was a video game that snuck under the radar earlier this month that “ties-in” with the summer film. But is the game any good? Just read the article headline one more time …
For nearly four decades the Nintendo brand has grown to become the biggest video game entertainment powerhouse and a synonymous symbol of video game prestige and market dominance. Nintendo’s Wii U however has left a lot to be desired and the odds are beginning to stack against it. Is Nintendo’s grip on today’s console market slipping?
After a long overdue hiatus, Lara Croft returns to the video gaming forefront in ‘Tomb Raider’ and reinvents the classic franchise with quite possibly one of the most stunningly engaging video game experiences to date.
Double Fine Studio’s latest title takes players on a wonderfully amusing and witty adventure through the caverns of what made video games so great back in the day.
Players won’t be flying solo with Lara Croft this time around! With less than two months to go before ‘Tomb Raider’s’ release, the game’s developers spill the beans on the addition of multiplayer game modes; a first in the game’s franchise.
When director J.J. Abrams revitalized the ‘Star Trek’ franchise with his entertaining and thrilling reboot, the proliferation of equally entertaining and engaging ‘Star Trek’ video games was only … logical.