VH1’s Hit the Floor should hit the showers
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

VH1’s new drama, ‘Hit the Floor,’ is like ‘Bring it On’ meets ‘Smash.’ But that isn’t a good thing.
VH1’s new drama, ‘Hit the Floor,’ is like ‘Bring it On’ meets ‘Smash.’ But that isn’t a good thing.
The first season of Aaron Sorkin’s latest show ‘The Newsrooms’ gets a DVD and Blu-ray release June 11th.
New TV on DVD and Blu-ray May 28 includes ‘Doctor Who,’ ‘Longmire,’ ‘Covert Affairs,’ ‘Suits,’ ‘Red Widow,’ ‘George Gently,’ ‘Beetlejuice,’ ‘Annoying Orange’ and more!
This is one of the “fixes” the ‘Idol’ Powers That Be intend to use to right their badly listing ship? I don’t have a good feeling about this …
The first season of ‘Luther’ still intoxicates me. From the seductive opening credits song, “Paradise Circus,” to the stark black closing shot, Idris Elba rocks as the titular character, John Luther.
Two weeks in and I’m already having a problem with ‘SYTYCD.’ Come to think of it, I was having problems in the first week …
WB’s ‘The Looney Tunes Show’ isn’t your childhood ‘Merry Melodies.’ It’s more a grown-up version of ‘Tiny Toons’ geared to the pop-culture-oriented adult.
Each week, readers Bob and Ivey discuss ‘Game of Thrones’ from the perspective of those who have read the books. This week we discuss the latest addition to Dany’s armies. Spoilerphobes beware!
TV on DVD and Blu-ray May 21 includes ‘True Blood,’ ‘Teen Wolf,’ ‘Perception,’ ‘Saving Hope,’ ‘Mel Brooks: Make A Noise,’ ‘ Laverne & Shirley’ and more!
Tired of American reality TV teen moms? Missing ‘Raising Hope’? Check out ‘PramFace’. ‘PramFace’ does what ‘Raising Hope’ couldn’t, smart humor without over the top caricatures.