Win free passes to see Cuban Fury in DC

CliqueClack wants to help you and three friends dance your way to the advance screening of ‘Cuban Fury’ in DC. Find out how you can score some passes!
CliqueClack has partnered with Entertainment One and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer readers in the Baltimore and DC areas an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new comedy Cuban Fury starring Nick Frost, Rashida Jones, Chris O’Dowd, and Ian McShane. This funny salsa-inspired comedy is brought to you by the producers of Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, Paul, Attack The Block, The World’s End and Sightseers.
The screening will take place on Tuesday, April 8, 7:30 PM at AMC Mazza Gallerie in Washington, DC.
A very limited number of Admit 4 passes are available on a first come, first served basis. Simply comment on this post with why you want to see this movie and we will send your passes by email. Please make sure you have entered your email address correctly! As passes are limited, we will accept one comment per person/per email address/per household (this is not a random drawing so if you’re a couple, only one of you need comment!). CliqueClack reserves the right to discard any duplicates or comments that appear to be duplicates. Multiple comments from a single person will result in complete disqualification. Please keep these offers fair for everyone.
Please note that passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed and is not responsible for seating arrangements at the theater.
This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first. Have a look at the trailer below and then let us know where you want to see the film. Cuban Fury is scheduled to open in DC on April 11.
AMC Mazza Gallerie
AMC Mazza Gallerie
Would love to win tickets
Love the cast!
Yes, please, looks good ..Baltimore, if not, Washington, DC. will work, also, Thanks !
Because Nick Frost is in it!
I’d love to see this movie, the trailer looks good and I really enjoyed Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, and The World’s End
Mazza please
Nick Frost is a good enough reason to give a movie a chance
DC please
I do not want to miss the chance to see Nick Frost dancing in a comedy on the big screen!
I wanna see it for Rashida Jones! LOVE her!
I would love to have two passes please!!!
I want to see it because of Rashida Jones. She’s GORGEOUS!!!! 2 for Mazza Galleria
A fat guy in a dancing competition? Sounds hilarous!
Because my wife will love me if you get me tickets to this
Nick Frost dancing! It looks great!
I want to see this movie because I love the cast! Thanks Cliqueclack!
Fan of Nick Frost so would enjoy to see him cut a rug.
Nick Frost, DC please.
DC – I want to see this movie because I love dancing!
Looks good and I want to see it at AMC Mazza Galleria
I am a professional swing dancer and enjoy watching other types of dance.
Nick Frost dancing. Sounds like a plot for a movie.
Mazza Gallery in D.C. Thanks.
Sounds like a great movie
Washington, D.C. Please
Would love to go.
DC please.