Win free passes to see Elysium in Baltimore, DC or Norfolk

CliqueClack wants to send readers in Baltimore, DC and Norfolk to see ‘Elysium’ before anyone else. Find out how you can win free passes!
The commenting period for this contest has ended. Follow us on Twitter @CliqueClack for alerts on news, reviews and giveaways.
CliqueClack has partnered with Sony Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing to send readers in the Baltimore, DC and Norfolk areas on a trip to Elysium. In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined planet. The people of Earth are desperate to escape the crime and poverty that is now rampant throughout the land. The only man with the chance to bring equality to these worlds is Max (Matt Damon), an ordinary guy in desperate need to get to Elysium. With his life hanging in the balance, he reluctantly takes on a dangerous mission — one that pits him against Elysium’s Secretary Delacourt (Jodie Foster) and her hard-line forces — but if he succeeds, he could save not only his own life, but millions of people on Earth as well. Elysium is directed by Neill Blomkamp (District 9).
The screenings will take place on Wednesday, August 7, 7:00 PM at the following locations:
- AMC Mazza, Washington, DC
- AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
- Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
A random drawing will be held on Sunday, August 4th. 25 winners for each location will win a unique code which is good for up to two Admit One passes. To enter the drawing, please read and follow the rules:
- Leave a comment with BALTIMORE, DC or NORFOLK as your choice of screening location. We do not need any other information except the city, please!
- ONE comment per person/email address/IP address. Duplicate comments will be discarded. CliqueClack reserves the right to disqualify any entries that appear to be duplicates.
- Commenting period runs from 10:00 AM, Thursday, August 1 – Noon, Sunday, August 4. Winners will be chosen at random.
- Winners will be notified by email on Sunday, August 4. A valid email address is required, so double check the spelling before entering. Any returned emails will be considered a disqualification and another winner will be drawn.
- Winners will receive a unique code to claim their passes. These codes can only be used for up to two Admit One passes.
- Winners should plan to arrive early at the theater. Passes do not guarantee you seats. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes distributed and is not responsible for seating at the theater. Seating is first-come, first-served.
Have a look at the film’s official trailer, and let us know where you want to see Elysium! Elysium opens in theaters Friday, August 9th.
DC please, Thx
Norfolk please. Thanks for the contest.
Norfolk Please
DC please.
Thanks for the contest!
DC thanks
Washington, DC market. Thank you Clique Clack!
Washington, DC
Would love passes.
Baltimore, MD please.
I really want to see this!!!
Washington, DC please!
Washington, DC please!
Baltimore, Md please, thank you
Can’t wait to see this.
Baltimore, MD please!
Washington DC please.
Baltimore, MD please. Looks great!
Baltimore, MD Please !
I’ve been waiting for this movie.
Baltimore, MD please!
AMC Mazza, Washington, DC
Thanks for the opportunity! Baltimore Please
Washington, DC please.
When one actor (Eminem) turns down a role (Elysium) and another actor (Matt Damon0 accepts the
role, you always wonder what if.
If selected I am in the D.C. market. Thanks.
Baltimore please
I would love to see this in DC. Thanks.
baltimore please
Two passes, please. Thanks
Would love passes. Baltimore, MD, please.
DC Market
Please! Thank you
I would like one (1) pass to see Elysium because I am a fan of science fiction film and am curious to see Jodie Foster act in this film genre
Washington, DC venue (Mazza Gallery), please
Washington DC screening please. Thanks for the giveaway Clique Clack!
Baltimore, MD please.
Baltimore Please! Can’t wait to see this movie!
Baltimore Market please:)
Baltimore passes would be great! Thanks
Damon in action again! Cool!
Baltimore please.
Baltimore/Hanover please. Thx
Would love passes.
Baltimore, MD please.
Norfolk please, I need to see some Foster & Damon in action! Thanks
Two passes, please.
DC Market
dc please
I loved District 9 – really looking forward to this one. Mazza screening please!
Norfolk please! Gotta get an action fix!!!
Norfolk – love Damon since the Bourne series, be nice to see him in something different. Thanks!
DC please
DC Market Mazza please
DC please!
DC PLEASE. I can’t WAIT to see this! #excited
DC please
DC please!
AMC Mazza, Washington, DC
Mazza theater in DC please
Thank you
Would love to see this, NORFOLK, VA pls
Norfolk…. please!
Norfolk please!
DC Please. Thank youi
Baltimore, MD please
Looks good! Norfolk
Norfolk please
DC market please
Norfolk Please!!!!
DC location
Baltimore, MD please?
Baltimore, MD please
DC Please!!
Washington DC please
Thanks for the opportunity. DC, please.
White Marsh Please
DC Please!
Dc! Please
D.C. please!
Norfolk Please for passes for Elysium
Washington, DC
DC please!!
DC please
Wash DC
Really want to see this one
Wash DC – please pick me
DC Please
Wash DC – I’ve been looking forward to seeing this since we saw a preview a while ago
DC please! Thank you!!
Washington, DC please.
DC market please.
Washington, DC please!
Can’t wait to see it!
Washington DC please
DC please!
I’d like DC very much. Please and Thank you.
Washington DC please!
DC ~!
I would love to see this film! Thank you for the contest.
Baltimore, MD
DC please & thank you!
I can’t wait to see this! Baltimore THANKS!
Baltimore please, thanks so much
I want to see it in Norfolk please.
Prepare for the inevitable.
DC Please
Baltimore, Md
DC please! !!!
Baltimore please
Baltimore please
DC for me, please.
DC please
I would love to see this film because I love science fiction and looks like an awesome flick to see at Norfolk Virginia Beach please and thank you
DC area please, can’t wait to see it
DC Screening please. This film looks interesting.
Baltimore please
I’ve been waiting for this. Norfolk please
Elysium @ Norfolk VA
Washington DC, theater
Thank you
DC Please. Thank you!
AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Norfolk please.
Washington dc Please
Washington, DC
Norfolk please! Thank you!
Would definitely enjoy this in Norfolk! Thanks Clique Clack!
Baltimore Please
Baltimore please
Norfolk VA please, this looks like it is going to be DELICIOUS. I love Sci Fi and special effect!!!!!!!
Norfolk, Virginia is the place I would enjoy this film at
Baltimore, MD at White Marsh
Would love to see it please, Thanks in adavance
Would sure love to see this sci-fi flick in Norfolk
Norfilk, Va please! I’ve been waiting for this one for a long time.
Washington DC
Norfolk va thank you for all you do
Washington dc please and thank you
Norfolk please
Norfolk would be great for me
Baltimore please
DC please
Looks good norfolk
Norfolk please
Washington DC please!
DC , thanks
Washington, DC plz!
Norfolk, please!
Dc please
DC Thank you!
I really get into science fiction flicks
Norfolk please
DC thanks
Baltimore screening please.
Norfolk market please
BALTIMORE, Thank you!
Norfolk please
DC Mazza Galley please
Matt Damon hell yeah anything with him is awesome
Love some passes for Baltimore
I’d really like to take my son to see it in Norfolk
winning a couple tickets for Elysium in Norfolk, va would be wonderful!!
Norfolk,va please
Norfolk,VA Oh Yeah!!
Please pick me for Norfolk
Hello! I’d like passes for Baltimore, please. Thank you! Good luck to all!
Washington DC Please
Washington DC please
Baltimore market
DC please.
I can’t wait to see this movie in Norfolk
DC please
DC please. thanks
Baltimore, please!
This screen is a couple day after my B-day. Norfolk Please
I love Clique Clack for passes
Norfolk would be great. Thanks!
Would love to see this screening
I would like tickets for DC please!
Thank you very much for these passes! 
Dc please
Norfolk Tickets Thanks
DC please!
DC, please. Thanks for the opportunity!
Norfolk, Please……
2 passes to DC please!
Thank you!
Norfolk please
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk please. Thanks for the contest
norfolk, va
Norfolk please. Thanks
I would love to see this movie!
Washington DC
Movie looks good.
Norfolk please!
NORFOLK please!
Norfolk please. Science fiction is my favorite movie category
The previews looked good. Norfolk please
Norfolk would be a great place to see this one
Norfolk va
Baltimore, MD! If this moviems half as good as District 9, I’m gonna love it!
I would like to win tickets for Baltimore Please!
NORFOLK please! Thanks, looking forward to it. Thanks for holding these contests!
DC please
Baltimore, thank you:)
Baltimore thanks
AMC Mazza, Washington, DC please. THANK YOU!!!
I’d love to see it in Norfolk please!
Baltimore please
Baltimore Please, Thanks !
AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
I really want to see this movie
Wash, DC please, thanks!
Baltimore/White Marsh
Whitemarsh please
Norfolk market please
DC please, thanks
I want to leave Earth for Elysium – By way of Norfolk
Norfolk for Elysium – come in please
Can’t miss a good sci fi movie. Norfolk for me
Looks like one not to miss
Norfolk por favor
Please choose me – NORFOLK
Trying to pull up Elysium on my GPS. Hope it’s clpse to Norfolk
Washington DC, por favor!
Stay thirsty, my friends!
~Carlos Danger~
How about a ticket for 2 to Norfolk??
Would very much like to see Elysium in Norfolk
DC market please
This move looks awesome..would love to take my son to this, Baltimore Market please. Thanks
Norfolk please
Put me in the mix
Washington DC
Norfolk plz
Baltimore please and thank you
Baltimore screening please
Please pick me for the Norfolk screening.
Baltimore (Nottingham) screening! Thank you can’t wait it looks great!!!
Awesome looking. Norfolk VA please
Can not wait to see this movie. Norfolk please and thank you.
I would love to see this screening in Norfolk, VA. Thanks
Norfolk screening would be nice to win.
Would love to go to Baltimore MD screening!!
This looks sick!!! Passes for Baltimore, pretty please!!
Thanks bro for sharing with me!!
Aayyyyy…meeemeemeeeee. would rather see this than that dance movie. I’ll trade va/norfolk, va!
will move there tomorrow from norfolk
White Marsh, Please!
can i get a condo there i’ll move from norfolk
White Marsh!!
Wash DC PLease…Thx!!!
Elysium sounds like the place to be. After the movie I’m saying goodbye to Norfolk
White Marsh, Maryland
How about passes to Norfolk pleeeeease
Looks like an awesome movie to see in Norfolk
Sure hope that it’s better than After Earth, which stunk in Norfolk along with every place else
Does Norfolk have one way fares to Elysium? If so, count me in
Love to see
Baltimore please
We’d like to see it in Norfolk
I would love to see this @Macarthur Center in Norfolk!! Thank you in advance!!!
Norfolk please
◾Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA thanks to you guys so much…. have a great weekend, thanks again Cyndi ps i love the movies!!!!!
Washington, D.C., please! Thank you very much, Click Clack colleagues!
Norfolk, Please! This is going to be fantastic!!
I would love to see this in Norfolk.
Send me to Elysium in Norfolk – Please
Sure looks like a good movie . Norfolk please
Norfolk would be great for me
Baltimore, MD please!
Norfolk please
I would like to have passes for this movie please! thanks.
Looks like a movie worth seeing in Norfolk
Elysium – In Norfolk – on Wednesday. Souds like a great plan if I win
Would love to see Elysium in Norfolk
Science fiction is my passion and Norfolk is my area
Looks like a great movie. Norfolk for me, please
would like to see in norfolk
love to see in norfolk
DC please
Please send me to see Elysium in Norfolk, Va. Thank you!
I’d love to see Elysium in Norfolk, Va., please
this looks like a great movie! I would love to see the premiere in Norfolk!
Baltimore please
Norfolk, VA please. Thank you!
Baltimore, please.
Norfolk please
Norfolk please
DC market, can’t wait
DC please.
Norfolk please.
DC please place to live !
norfolk va I would love to see this movie thank you
I would love to see the movie in norfolk with my son. Thanks.
DC market please.
Washington, DC, please!
Norfolk Please!
I want to see it in Norfolk!
Norfolk Please!
This is your THIRD comment. Rules state ONE comment per person, per email address! These comments will be disqualified.
Different email address
Like I said, the rules state one entry per person, per email address. We have a limited number of passes and we want to give everyone a fair shot at winning. With people submitting two or three comments it’s not fair to the others who are playing by the rules. Only the duplicate comments are disqualified.
Help support someone not in the 1%!!! Please send me to the Washington, DC showing!
baltimore please
Baltimore please
Baltimore please
Tickets for Baltimore please
Can i have tickets for Baltimore please?
baltimore would be great
ONE entry per person! This is your THIRD comment! These duplicate comments are disqualified.
baltimore market please
This is your THIRD comment! One entry per person, PER EMAIL ADDRESS, per IP address. Duplicate comments are disqualified.
DC Metro please.
Baltimore, MD please – thank you!
Can’t wait for this epic movie. Depicting the elites and the “other”–
Brilliant theme for a brilliant movie.
Washington D.C.
Norfolk, VA please …..I can’t wait for this movie!! Thanks so much, pat swain
BALTIMORE MD passes please
NORFOLK – You know you wanna pick me. I’m awesome!
Baltimore Please
I’d like tickets for the Norfolk area, please. Thanks!!
AMC White Marsh, Baltimore, MD
Hello. I would like to see Elysium in DC please. Thanks!
can’t wait
baltimore plesase
Baltimore, please!
DC, please!
Would love to see this movie.
DC please
DC please I would love to see this movie. Passes please!!
Norfolk please
please pick me for the Norfolk screening
Love to see this movie in Norfolk, VA
Would love to see Elysium, Matt Damon one of my favorite actors!
Washington DC
Movies with Jodie Foster in Norfolk are always good
Norfolk please
Count me in for Norfolk
Seeing a science fiction flick in Norfolk woud be great
Looks like a good movie. Norfolk please
Please pick me for Norfolk
Washington, DC. Please and Thank you
I would so love to see this movie. The previews are awesome!
Washington, DC PLEASE!
DC please
Norfolk would work very nicely
Previews looked great. Norfolk please
Please pick me for Norfolk
Norfolk please
Sci fi movies really get my attention
Sure would enjoy seeing Elysium in Norfolk
Elysium in Norfolk for me
First timer here. Sure would like to win. Norfolk, Va
Love to see this in Norfolk
Pick me please for the Norfolk screening
Love to win this for the Norfolk screening
Norfolk market please
A movie with Matt Damon & Jodie Foster has to be one to see in Norfolk
Norfolk tickets would be most appreciated
A sci fi movie in Norfolk sounds great
DC please!
My son & I would love to see Elysium in Norfolk
Please send passes for Norfolk
White Marsh, Maryland
Norfolk please
Washington, DC Please!
Washington DC, please!!!
DC please!
Washington, DC
I’d really like to see Elysium at Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA, please!
DC please!
Norfolk, VA Please
Thank you.
DC please – Thank you,
Would live to get tickets to the DC screening. I live a few blocks from Mazza.
DC Please
Hoping for DC for Elysium at AMC Mazza Gallery !!
Please Please please !
Norfolk !!!
Hope its as good as District 9!
DC Please
DC please
I’d like ticket passes for DC please. Thank you.
baltimore please
DC please! This would be awesome!
I’m in the DC area. Mazza Gallery is a great location.
Norfolk please
Baltimore, MD please.