A look at the additions to the Game of Thrones cast

Each week, Bob and Ivey talk all things ‘Game of Thrones.’ But enter at your own risk: If you’ve not read the series of books that the show is based on, here be SPOILERS.
Despite what the Gregorian Calendar – and the weather outside – might tell you, Winter is Coming. HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones will be returning for its third season at the end of next month. How will the political landscape of Westeros look now that Tywin Lannister has relieved his son Tyrion as the Hand of the King? Will Robb Stark’s new marriage to Lady Talisa Maegyr cause him strife with House Frey? Where will Daenerys Targaryen head now that she and her dragons have escaped the treacherous City of Qarth? What is going on with the desperate Stark children? And what the hell is going on beyond the Wall?
All of these questions will be answered this season – to some extent or the other – as Game of Thrones takes on what is expected to be the first half — or so — of A Storm of Swords, the third book in George R.R. Martin’s epic series A Song of Ice and Fire. As we did last year, Bob and I will bring you our thoughts of what’s going on in the world of Game of Thrones in our weekly column, Beyond the Wall. This week, we take a look at the new roles that were cast for season three.
Ivey: So, when all of the casting announcements were made last year, I kept wondering if there was any really big, long-term roles that were joining the cast this year. The one I was most looking forward to was Mance Rayder. I’d always envisioned Dominic West as a perfect choice, but looks like he may have passed on some unconfirmed role in the cast – smooth move – and the mantle of the King Beyond the Wall has been picked up by Irish film star Ciarán Hinds. While I’m a very big fan of Hinds’ work (Rome and Munich in particular), this is not the Mance I expected. What do you think?
Bob: Mance is certainly going to be a big addition to the show this season and I’m not sure what I think about Hinds in the role. Unlike you, I’m not all that familiar with his work. I am remaining open to the different interpretation of Mance, though, because I think that is what this is going to be — a different interpretation of the character. I certainly got the impression Mance was a much younger man when reading the books (and considering that Hinds is 17 years older than West, I’m guessing the producers did as well). I’m certainly curious to see what direction the writers are going to go with the character.
Ivey: Yeah, I can’t think of any other reason to shroud his character in mystery if it isn’t producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss’ intention to try to find a way to play the twists around the Reek character out on the screen. I’m really looking forward to seeing that particular storyline play out, especially because so much of the Reek/Theon story occurred off page in the book series. Considering just how powerful Alfie Allen’s turn as Theon Greyjoy was last season, there’s no way they can afford to leave him hanging for two seasons.
I had forgotten several of the casting choices for characters that will likely be a bit more minor. There’s a bit of a Rome reunion going on with Tobias Menzies’s joining the cast as Caitlyn Stark’s brother Edmure Tully. Considering how much of the ASOIF fandom clamoring for James Purefoy and Kevin McKidd to join the cast — something they’ve famously joked they weren’t interested in — this will have to do for now … at least until the hype begins again for Ray Stevenson to play Victarion Greyjoy (And Indira Varma is a natural fit for the cast, too … You really haven’t seen Rome yet Bob? Get on it!).
There are a couple of other roles I’m looking forward to. Diana Rigg as Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns) should be very good — Maggie Smith was a fanboy’s pipe dream. Are there any others you’re specifically looking forward to?
Bob: See, I think Smith is a bit too prim and proper for Westeros. Olenna needs to have a little bit of a sinister side beneath the facade of nice old granny. It will be fun to see Diana Rigg in the role.
I know you didn’t think the casting of the Jojen and Meera Reed was particularly good, but they matched my mental images almost exactly. Am I looking forward to them? Honestly, at this point, with the late introduction into the story, I was prepared for them to not be on the show at all. I’m wondering if they are going to add anything to Bran’s adventure.
Ivey: Yeah … I think Thomas Brodie-Sangster will be a good Jojen, but I just don’t “see” Meera in Ellie Kendrick. Then again, as much as I like Gemma Whelan, I still don’t see the Asha Greyjoy character from the books in the screen version. You made a really good point about the Game of Thrones versions of these characters don’t need to fit my interpretation to be good.
As a whole, though, I think that the new cast looks solid. There are several folks we didn’t touch on, including the new Brotherhood without Banners folks as well as the new “friends” that Dany will make in Essos. Season three is going to be very, very good.