The Three Amigos – Haven’s Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant & Eric Balfour

‘Haven”s Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant and Eric Balfour are hilarious. Their natural chemistry came across in the interview and triply made me look forward to ‘Haven”s return this Friday.
Emily Rose: Hello, CliqueClack.
Eric Balfour: Whackity Whack.
An: Hello.
Eric/Emily: Nice to talk to you again.
An: Yes, nice to talk to you as well. So, I have a two-part question. A, What’s going to happen between Audrey and Nathan and B, is Nathan attracted to Audrey or is he attracted to her power?
Emily Rose: I think Eric should answer all these questions.
Eric Balfour/Lucas Bryant: Okay, Part A, none of your business. Part B, none of your business. No, what was the first question? What happens with Nathan and Audrey this season?
An: Yes.
Eric Balfour: Everything. How about that?
Emily Rose: A lot.
Eric Balfour: A lot.
Emily Rose: A lot.
Eric Balfour: But it’s, you know, something that’s really special about Nathan and Audrey is their relationship as friends. So it’s a tricky situation to explore anything beyond that. I think the writers have done a great job of always sort of teasing with those possibilities but maintaining that mutual friend respect underneath it all. And this year, I think they found very interesting ways to maybe satisfy some fan urges without…
Emily Rose: There is, you know, a good…
Eric Balfour: …messing up the character’s basic relationship.
Emily Rose: Yes, I mean the triangle must exist. So, all of the things that come and go with making that interesting occur. And I think that, I mean, Audrey has — in seeing the first two episodes, she has a — I guess that doesn’t happen until the end of season — that’s the three. But, she has a large sort of mission that gets put in front of her and that affects the way she sees and views her relationships and how she’s going to handle them.
So that kind of messes with the communication and the way that everything kind of goes down as well because she’s trying to figure out how to protect the people she loves as well as be true to – as well as love them and love them well. And she tries to figure out what that looks like.
An: Excellent. And then my second part…
Eric Balfour: It’s complicated.
Emily Rose: It’s so complicated. It’s drama.
An: All right. Thank you very much.
Emily Rose: You’re welcome.
I loved this article, thanks!