Win free passes to see The Heat in Norfolk, VA

Want to see Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in a buddy cop movie? CliqueClack has free passes to ‘The Heat’ for our Norfolk readers. Find out how to win yours!
The commenting period for this contest has closed.
CliqueClack has partnered with 20th Century Fox and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our readers in the Norfolk area free passes to the advance screening of The Heat starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. The screening will take place on Tuesday, June 4th, 7:00 PM at Regal MacArthur Center 18.
Winners for this promotion will be selected at random. The contest runs from 10:00 AM, May 31 — Midnight, June 2. Winners will be notified by email by Monday, June 3. All you need to do to enter is leave us a comment telling us why you want to see the movie.
Please take note:
- CliqueClack will email you a unique GoFoBo code to print out a maximum of two Admit One passes. Please set your spam filters to allow email from
- Codes will not be valid for more than one registered GoFoBo account.
- You MUST state which city you want passes for. Comments without this information will not be included in the drawing.
- Please make sure your email address is correct when leaving a comment. Do not post your address in the comment section as this is a public forum.
- ONE comment per person, per email address. Duplicate entries will be discarded.
- Passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so plan to arrive early.
- CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or the seating at the theater.
Again, passes are very limited so leave your comments now!
Been waiting for months to see the heat, can’t wait to see another Melissa McCarthy comedy!
Just loved Melissa in Identity Theft so I’ve been rally looking forward to this one in Norfolk
Hope this movie has me rolling in the aisles in Norfolk
Passes in Norfolk please (didn’t mention city at first since there’s only one city)
I am hoping this is funny!
I can’t wait to see this. I think it will be hilarious! norfolk
Date night with the wife!! She will like this movie. Norfolk
I’m trying to see this.
Melissa McCarthy is hilariously funny, can’t wait to see this movie. Yeah
Looks like a funny moive, Norfolk
Sandra Bullock has always been my favorite actress & I would love to see her in this movie! The Heat looks awesome!
Sandra Bullock is my favorite actress, and I would really would like passes for the movie HEAT on Tue June 4th at MacArthur Center in Norfolk, Virginia. Add me to the contest, thanks so much, cyndi swain VA
Just can’t wait to see this. Saw the red band trailer and laughed my a@@ off!!!!
Just can’t wait to see this. Saw the red band trailer and laughed my a@@ off!!!!
Can’t wait to see it, Norfolk
Love Sandra Bullock! Please allow me to see her free! Thanks
Love Sandra Bullock! Please allow me to see her free! Thanks in Norfolk Va
Really looking forward to this movie.
It looks like its gonna be real funny
I would really like to see this movie
Looks like its gonna be great
I love these two woman as actresses they are both so funny. I’d love to see this movie
OMG……. This is a must see. Looks like a very funny movie and I love both actresses.
Norfolk, VA area please
I would like to go see it in the Norfolk area.
Could I get tickets for the Norfolk area please?
I’ve been waiting for this movie!! Pick me please. I want to see the Norfolk VA screening. Thanks
Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCartney crack me up. I want to see the Norfolk VA screening please.
This looks cool. Norfolk va please.
I want to see this in Norfolk please.
The Norfolk, Va. screening is calling my name. I am a fan of both these actresses. Please send me!
I would love to see this movie in Norfolk, VA. Please pick me. Thanks
Please send me to the Norfolk, Va. screening as I would love to see this movie.
This movie looks pretty funny! Kind of like a female “21 Jump Street” Bullock has done some great movies and McCartney is frickin funny!! I would love tix for Tuesday, June 4th, 7:00 PM at Regal MacArthur Center 18. Thank you!
I would appreciate tickets to the Norfolk, Va. screening. This movie looks funny.
This looks like a great movie! I can’t wait to see it! In Norfolk, Va.
I would like to take my mom to see this movie….It looks like a good funny movie plus my mom loves Sandra Bullock.
This movie looks like it is something totally different from the girlie beautiful girl stuff Sandra Bullock normally does. I would live to see how she pushes this off. Thanks
I can’t wait to see this movie, it looks great! In Norfolk, Via.
it would be great to see the heat in norfolk, VA
Two of my favorite actresses in one movie, can’t wait. Norfolk, VA Tuesday, June 4th, 7:00 PM at Regal MacArthur Center 18.
Those two and me would make a greatthreesome
Please hook me up with some free passes!
Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to see this movie. I love both actresses, it will be a hoot! Norfolk
Would like to these two together
I think it would be awesome to see two women of different comedic talents work together. It would be wonderful to win tickets to see the movie; we don’t get much movies with two leading women stars working together in the movie industry.
Hey, Sandra Bullock, what an actress,she is my girl to see in any and everything. Thanks
Looks like a hilarious movie. Norfolk please
For Norfolk. Can’t go wrong with those 2 paired together
Should be a barrel of laughs in Norfolk
Norfolk location for this movie would be perfect
I could use some good laughs in Norfolk
Melissa & Sandra will make a great pair in Norfolk
I would love to take my sister to see this cant wai t norfolk va thank you
Looks like a winner for Norfolk
Saw the previews. Looks great. Norfolk please
Hope it’s as funny as the previews that I saw, in Norfolk
Two great actresses starring in the same movie – NORFOLK
Send me to see this one in Norfolk please
Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses, cant wait to see this one, Norfolk, Vs
Looks like a great one in Norfolk, Va
Pick me cause I would really like to see this movie Heat
being from norfolk would love to see this movie
relly would like to this movie in norfolk va
I realy want to see this film in Norfolk. Huge fan of both ladies. I am from Norfolk.
Would love to get tickets to the norfolk screening. Have started likeing McCarthy a lot.
I would love to win passes for the Norfolk screening
Big fan of Sandra. Cant wait to see this in Norfolk!!!
I m a bi fan of Melissa McCarthy. I wol love to eewatshegets into next. Norflk Please.
I would really love to see this movie.
Norfolk area please.
Melissa McCarthy is hilarious. I can’t wait to see her in another movie.
Norfolk, VA
Looove the actresses !!! :ooo
Passes for Norfolk, VA PLEASE !
Thank you ^ u ^
I just love Sandra B. Can I love her in Norfolk
Cop movies with a sense of humor work well for me in Norfolk
2 very talented actresses. Can I see it in Norfolk
This looks funnier than a barrel of monkeys. Norfolk area por favor
Show me the funny in sunny hot norfolk plz.
This movie will be a scream. Would like to see this in Norfolk, Va
Been waiting for this one in Norfolk
I’m so up for a good laugh on Norfolk
I’ll be there if I win tickets for Norfolk
I can use some good laughs in Norfolk
Both of these ladies are great. Together they should be super. Can’t wait to see them in Norfolk, Va!!
Pick me please for Norfolk
Would love to see norfolk plzzzzzzz
keeping hope alive.
Itlooks like a very funny movie with Milissa McCarthy in it I hope to see it in the norfolk va area
Really wanna see this in norfolk or va beach, va! Been trying 2 win tickets aint working. Lol. PICK ME!!!
I live in the norfolk va bch area and think ms McCarthy is very funny
This looks really funny! I hope to see it in Norfolk.
Really want to go to see the Heat in Norfolk,Virginia because Sandra Bullock is my favorite actress. Please consider me for passes. I love you guys. Thanks so much for this opportunity. Have a great weekend guys! Thanks, Cyndi Swain of Norfolk, VA.
Sandra Bullock is awesome
This looks like it will be a very funny movie. Norfolk, Va is my area. Thanks in advance.
The previews looked hilarious. I’m on the Norfolk area
I’m really up for some good laughs in Norfolk
Would like to see it in Norfolk as long as Melissa doesn’t steal my identity
2 funny cops works for me in Norfolk