The hot men of Philly Comic Con 2013

Manu Bennett (‘Arrow’)! Brandon Routh (‘Superman Returns’)! Dean Cain (‘Lois & Clark’)! Giancarlo Esposito (‘Revolution’)! Need I say more? Clearly, I do.
Too frequently comic cons surround the hot female cosplayers. But, I have to recognize the hotness of the male actors, the audience and moderators. Come join me in my appreciation why don’t you?
7. The Cosplayers. You know who you are. Nothing’s hotter than a man in makeup and tight leather pants.
6. Giancarlo Esposito (Revolution, Community, Once Upon a Time)
“Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne” was my favorite episode, Giancarlo made it ten times better. To hear Chevy Chase describe Community (a person Giancarlo greatly respects), the show’s too rigid and overtly scripted with no improvisational room. However, according to Giancarlo, it’s the exact opposite. On the first day, the cast rolled in far, far later than the 6am call time with no one off book while planning on improvising/learning as they went along. According to Giancarlo’s daughter, “Dad, this is random.” Would he do it again? Hell, yea! Is he a good actor? Double, hell, yea! You can’t create a character like Revolution‘s Neville without having a smidge of talent and knowing it. Did we get any Revolution spoilers? Not really. Will Revolution’s opening second season feature Philadelphia. Probably
5. Manu Bennett (Arrow, Hobbit, Spartacus)
Like Adam Baldwin and Julie Bennett, he maintains a working actor mentality. Geek thoughts of Azog aside, did you know he never filmed with any of the other characters? CGI magic. Did you know he accidentally pinched the role from an old schoolmate? Jackson initially cast Manu’s school chum in the role, but after disliking the prosthetics used, went a different way and re-cast Manu in the part. Are Spartacus‘ Crixus and Arrow’s Deathstroke all that different? From Manu’s perspective, yes. He analogized history-based Spartacus with classical music and comic-based Arrow with popular culture and pop music. All the same, no one doubts Arrow is well-written and well-acted. I love listening to actors describe acting as a craft. It shows their dedication to their characters and the shows they’re on. So, is Manu dedicated to Slade? 175%. He’s so dedicated, he almost choked out his scene partner during the audition. Seriously. Any season two hints? None. But, you can always expect awesome meaty goodness from Arrow’s writers. And, season two plots were enough to make Manu return. Speaking of meaty goodness, Manu’s arms are like tree trunks. So, let’s hear it for this piece of Maori hotness.
4. Supermen Brandon Routh and Dean Cain
After the awesomesness of Superman Returns, Brandon Routh should’ve gone onto action film star fame. Instead, he’s in in shows like Partners that aren’t equal to his talent. However, instead of blaming X, Y, and Z, he’s proud of his work, especially his final scene with his Super-son. He heartily encourages fans not to feel ashamed. He isn’t. Honestly, it was a GOOD film (excluding stalking Super-baby), so I get upset when people reference it as otherwise. He’s so down to earth that I wish him the best. Dean Cain equally impressed me. He’s fast becoming the Bill Shatner of the Superman franchise. I expected someone full on his own success, but he’s the exact opposite. Like John Barrowman, he equally recognizes he lives in a house built by fan love. Although Dean Cain’s in his 40s and looks like he’s in his 30s, he self-effacingly pretends he’s in his 60s. His thoughts on Brandon and Henry Cavill? They make them big nowadays. Like 6′ is anything to sniff at. So, while I’m not a fan of Cain’s latest show, I’m definitely his fan and Routh’s fan. I wish both super-hotties continued success.
3. The Guardian Angels – “Real heroes don’t need capes.” Anyone who willingly rocks a beret and patrols his/her area gets my vote. AND, they have a new show coming up on So, let’s show them some fanboy and fangirl love.
2. Jason David Frank, The Green Ranger (Power Rangers) - Dude commanded a room full of over energized kids (and their parents) the minute he stepped in the room. From the back of the room, off-stage, sans mike, without a moderator, and with his personality he called everyone to order and started entertaining. Hot. And, despite sharing my age range, dude has tattooed abs a mile long. I will never mock anyone under 30 for liking Power Rangers ever again (to their face). His continued enthusiasm for the show and support of anyone who enjoys it is infectious. Will I ever watch a Power Rangers episode with a straight face? Never. Will I willingly go to any panel featuring Frank? Always.
1. John “Freakingly Awesome” Barrowman (Everything you love). Need I say more? No.
Honorable Mentions: Adam Baldwin for calling out sports scores after his panel. Henry Winkler for being him.
Do I need to pull a Kaylee and get laid? Clearly. Are my statements any less true? No.
Don’t forget to check out more Philly Comic Con happenings here.