Ridiculousness: What’s your excuse?

It truly is amazing what some people will gravitate toward and voice their opinions (blather) about. Take the Mary Kang and Melissa McCarthy ELLE controversies for instance …
I’m tired.
I really am.
I’m tired of the ridiculousness of some people and their harping on things that don’t really need to be harped on. But that’s the nature of the beast: Put something out there for public consumption and there’s a contingent of folks who take issue with it. Sometimes it’s a legitimate issue, other times it’s not. (Let’s be realistic: Most of the time it’s not.)
The latest round of ridiculousness incorporates a couple of images which have borne gaggles of stupidity. The first — courtesy of Mary Kang — is something that’s been floating around for quite some time now, but has recently gained a lot of attention. Read the brief piece about her and the “controversial” photo of she and her kids and you’ll form your own opinions.
Commenting with my rose-colored glasses firmly in place (*snort*), it’s nothing more than a proud mom tossing her accomplishments out there. Its shows a mother who has taken the bull by the horns in the form of her three vibrant kids and contoured her body to what she wants. And it is something to be proud of. Why not put it out there?
For many people, this is just the type of motivational piece that will get them off their lazy asses and motor forth to a better, healthier lifestyle. It will get them into the gym, atop their bicycle (that’s gathering dust in the garage), it will get them walking around the neighborhood to breath fresh air, et al. For others? It’s an accusing finger-pointing right at them. That kind of thinking baffles me to no end. My automatic response is: “Right … because it’s all about you, isn’t it?” Well, it’s not. The world doesn’t revolve around you and it doesn’t revolve around me and it doesn’t revolve around them. What Mary Kang did was put her accomplishments out there for all to see, not to point fingers at those who won’t or can’t. Bill Cosby said it best: “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” Damned straight — try to please everyone and you please no one. And one thing I’ve learned in life is you can’t please the whiners, like the one commenter of the article who stated “If anything, this is not helpful to society because it doesn’t teach you to love yourself but that you need to obtain a certain image to be considered ‘beautiful’.” Bullshit … plain and simple. Go read some Bill Cosby.
The second image comes from November’s ELLE magazine with the (in my opinion) fantastic photo of Melissa McCarthy on the cover heralding “The Women Of Hollywood” featured in the issue. And yet … there are naysayers out there who find frolickry in dragging out their soapboxes, climbing aboard and commencing to froth at the mouth over the fact ELLE made a disastrous boner in deciding to put Ms. McCarthy on its cover dressed thusly. Proving one thing: You just can’t win, can you?
Showcase a barely-dressed hard body on a magazine cover and the angry villagers come out to play with their torches, pitchforks, gnashing teeth and angry words. Get crazy like a fox and feature a Rubenesque woman instead and the fur flies. (Let’s see how much flak I get for using the word “Rubenesque” and referring to “flying fur.”) No matter what, there’s no pleasing people. A typical response is featured in the article itself: “Oh look, it’s Melissa Mccarthy (sic) on the cover of @ELLEmagazine, let’s cover her up in the LARGEST COAT POSSIBLE.”
*sigh* You just can’t win for losing, you know?
Now, lest I get lambasted for calling out these couple of items featuring women (because I will and you damned well know it), I’m going to offer the hilarious commercial below which blatantly mocks the “other” half:
This piece does nothing less than rock me like a hurricane. I found it guffaw-inducing. Especially the last part with Mr. El Dorko holding the Yorkshire Terrier. (Classic.)
Let me ask you a question: Have you heard word one of anybody chiding the ad creators because men are being ridiculed and berated? Huh? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller?
No … I didn’t think so.
But … there probably should be someone out there — male or female — to take issue and admonish those who would put men in such light. Right? Right?
Anyone? Anyone?
Yeah … that’s what I thought. No one to take the reins and corral the disdain of men everywhere. Because, you know … some of us are really, really sensitive and stuff about these issues …
Others? We’re just really tired of all the crap.
What’s boner inducing about a woman [of any size] wearing an overcoat AND something underneath? I think it’s funny that Elle used that black dress to cover subliminal messaging usually reserved for wank material men/women. I think McCarthy is funny, I think Rebel Wilson is funnier–and Rebel has delighted me nearly every week with a bared body shot in Super Fun Night. I don’t wank to her, though.
I submit my favorite equal time video: