Philly Comic Con 2013: The Good, the Bad and the Cosplay

The revolutionary Giancarlo Esposito! The ‘Charmed’ Reunion! The Green Power Ranger! Actual Guardian Angels! Wonder women on steroids! Costumes! What more could you ask for?
The Bad
Getting Shut Out: John Barrowman and Firefly were two popular panels. I felt bad that people who paid good money couldn’t get in because the large rooms were too small. Didn’t Chris Hemsworth’s room last year fit almost everyone? What happened this year? If there’s a cutoff, they should at least do a live feed on the monitors outside, a la NYCC, so people don’t leave disappointed.
The Cancellations: Nathan Fillion, Shannon Doherty (the day of), Joey Lawrence, David Boreanaz and more cancelled. In fact, on Sunday, I noticed the website no longer listed the names of the cancelled celebrities (and hid their profiles).
No Filming: About three days before I planned on attending, I received an e-mail stating press could not film in the meeting rooms per PA Convention policy without using a member of the Stagehand Union. My only concern is they informed us three days before the event without hinting they just learned it. Could any on-line blogger (particularly out-of-towners) really find a Stagehands Union member AND credential him/her in two-and-a-half days’ time (AND find him/her housing)? If PCC knew in advance, they should’ve warned us during the credentialing process or after accepting us. And, maybe let people know at least 14 business days in advance if we’re accepted. While I didn’t notice as large a media presence – bloggers, local papers, local TV – as usual this year, I can’t really say why/why not.
The After-Party: Geeks do not know how to party. I could walk up to anyone in the convention center, compliment their costume and enter a half hour conversation. But walk up to a geek in a bar and they clam up.
- Me: I like your outfit.
- P1: Yes.
- Me: So, you’re a volunteer this year?
- P2: Yes.
- Me: I remember seeing you around last year.
- P2: Yep.
- Me: I thought you’d left.
- P2: Nope.
I’ve gone to parties with people I outright hated, but left having a good time. But, at the Field House, the only people that danced and smiled were the volunteers. I love the idea of a free after party at a local bar, but maybe encourage more volunteers to attend? Hopefully, their happy spirit will infect everyone else.
The Bulletin: There were a couple informational gaffes — Lauren Holly did not have a 2pm panel and I think I had the wrong room for the Ashmore brothers. For some panels, like Charmed, the stars showed up 10 minutes late. If I had paid as a VIP, I would’ve been ticked.
The Heart: Placing more knowledgeable staff amongst the panels and using more assertive volunteers to direct traffic worked. In addition to the knowledgeable people, I’d like to see more people who appear enthusiastic to be there and want to share that energy with others. Maybe pair an assertive person who directs traffic/answers questions with an equally knowledgeable volunteer whose sole duty is to greet (you know, smile and make people feel welcome). One of the staff stated Wizard World warned them Philly was the most aggressive. Maybe that’s why people appeared more foreboding. I still miss the community feeling. Although this year featured more people, I didn’t feel the bonding that normally occurs when I sit down and start talking to someone. Then again, my friend loved it, so who knows?
While the things I liked last year remained – the tighter 45 minute panels, an expanded kid’s cosplay, better signposting for adult cosplay, the sci fi speed dating, restricting the center front 6 rows to paid VIPs and using Wizard World staff — maybe a little heart and, you know, present guests wouldn’t hurt.
For photos of Giancarlo Esposito (Revolution), Jason “Tommy (The Green Ranger)” Frank’s karate lessons, the Charmed panel, the guardian angels, wonder women on steroids (cosplayers and female artists/writers), as well as awesome showroom floor costumes, click to the next page.
P.S. Did you know there’re multiple Star Trek fragrances out?
For photos from the cosplay competitions, John Barrowman and Firefly check out the upcoming posts!