Psych interview: The cast teases what’s coming up for their characters in season 7

After almost a year wait, ‘Psych’ is finally back. CliqueClack visited the Vancouver set to interview the cast about the upcoming season 7. Check out some teases about what’s to come for your favorite pineapple loving crew.
The wait to find out whether Henry lives or dies finally comes to an end when Psych season 7 returns in “Santabarbaratown 2.” Once that situation comes to a resolution, Psych continues the season with several themed episodes, including: The Clue-themed 100th episode, Single White Female episode, and the much awaited two-hour Psych musical.
While on set, we had the opportunity to speak with James Roday (Shawn), Dule Hill (Gus), Maggie Lawson (Juliette), and Tim Omundson (Lassiter). They are just as funny in person as they are on the show. Below is a edited portion of the interviews, including a few of the funny exchanges.
Season 6 ended on a pretty dark note, are you worried that the audience might think the show took a bad turn?
Omundson: We’ve ended pretty darkly in the past, especially when James is at the helm. I think our audience appreciate it when we can mix it up a little bit like that. And it’s not just always, you know, Pez dispensers and unicorns. I think they like it.
Lawson: Pez dispensers and unicorns.
Roday: There’s a colloquialism that has been around for many years.
Omundson: Come on. We’re happier, pez dispensers and unicorns.
Roday: The truth is creatively we’ve been trying to figure out a way to get Corbin off of the show for years. So it was a sense a relief … when we thought that this could be it finally. But you know what I think after six years, you basically shown every pitch that you have in your arsenal, and it’s fun to come up with something that the audience hasn’t seen yet and you know, it still Psych. It’s always going to be Psych at the end of the day. But, if we can make your heartbeat a little bit faster every now and then, I think it’s probably healthy for everybody.
Omundson: I really think we should’ve gone with the mauled by a wombat though. Instead of the shooting, but whatever.
Lawson: Well, that was.
Omundson: Wombats are hard to work with.
Can you give us an idea of what’s going to happen with each of your characters?
Roday: Well [Lassiter’s] all soft now. … We are looking forward to treating you to the beginning of the next chapter of Lassiter’s domestic life. At some point. … You know Shawn and Juliette are just going to keep feeling it out. You know what I mean.
Lawson: That’s what we do.
Roday: Dule I’m sure will talk to this as well, but we’re finally bringing him up to the front of the pack in terms of getting the love that he deserves. I mean we’re starting to kind of pair people off and think about the future and try to bring this thing in, and land it properly.
Hill: Yeah, we have the lovely Parminder Nagra. She’s on the show this year, and Gus finally kind of takes a few steps into the relationship world. And it still doesn’t go exactly as planned, but so far, so good. I think it’ll be exciting for the audience to see how Gus interacts in relationship land. We’ll see how long it lasts, though, I don’t know how long it’ll last. But it’ll be there for at least a little while.
How does Gus meet his new girlfriend?
Hill: I guess being that we’re in, you know, 2012, and there’s new ways of dating and meeting folks with social media and all those kind of things, that would be the avenue that Gus takes….
What happens when the it comes out that Shawn’s a fake psychic?
Roday: Well my feeling is that the big road block there is Shawn’s personal relationship with Juliette. I think that that’s probably the biggest issue. As far as the police and everything else. we’ve solved probably a 160 murders, …. we’ve [put] many people behind bars. The fact that Shawn may not be psychic probably isn’t going to ruffle that many feathers at this point, but you know, the fact that he’s been lying to the girl that he wants to make a life with is a different issue. So, sort of the whole Batman catch 22 I guess.
Psych season 7 returns on Wednesday, February 27 at 10 pm ET on USA Network.