Psych returns soon for season 7, so let’s celebrate with a giveaway!

Celebrate the return of ‘Psych’ with our ‘Psych’-themed desk set giveaway.
As I slog through the mostly just-OK TV on lately (no offense, folks — it’s just the picky way I roll these days), I can’t help but get a bit excited at the return of USA’s Psych next Wednesday, the 27th. It’s just good fun and rarely takes itself too seriously, and it’s been pretty consistent from day one (with the exception of its odd choice of changing up the actor for young Shawn). To celebrate the show’s return, we’ve got a Psych-themed desk set to give away to one lucky commenter!
The prize pack, pictured above, includes:
- Psych 3-hole-punch
- Pineapple USB Drive
- Poppin’ In/Out Box (2 boxes)
- Poppin’ Stapler
- Poppin’ Staple Remover
- Poppin’ Ruler
- Poppin’ Scissor
- Poppin’ Tape Dispenser
- Poppin’ Calculator
- Push Pin Tin
- Set of Post It Notes
All you need to do is leave a comment to this post saying something cool about the series or why you want the set — more than just “I want it.” We’ll pick one commenter amongst the comments to this post, completely at random, and alert them after the giveaway ends on Friday, March, 1 at Midnight ET (make sure your spam filters aren’t blocking mail from!). Only one entry per person per method and you must have a valid U.S.-based mailing address. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents of 18 years of age or older only. Not following these guidelines voids your entry. Good luck!
Hey many of your viewers have grown up now so you can write the show accordingly.
HEY..i would love to win the PSYCH prize pack..those guys are nuts,,really love DULE HILL
I would truly like to have this Psych-themed desk set.
If I could post a picture of my lame, empty, tan-colored desk that is only decorated with a a vitamin bottle and high blood pressure medicine to show you just how WHACK my desk is, I would. Other than the totally random Spiderman bobble-head that I have to perhaps comfort me as I compile listing on top of listing at my job, I would go crazy.
The Psych-themed desk set would certatainly add more pizzazz to my area and perhaps even make me the talk of the office. Btw, I love the color green and if it could replace my plain black Swingline stapler, that would be totally awesome. The color is totally poppin’!
And the Pineapple USB, with a lack of words, is BOSS. I do a lot of writing and storing so having something as attractive as a freaking pineapple disguised as a USB is perfect for me because it’s quirky.
And of course I deserve this desk set because I read CliqueClack all the time! I was following you guys when you had the OLD site with the green background and I love this new and improved site. Although I like the color green, the black gives it a professional look…but in regards to my desk, as the Psych desk-set is green, I’m looking for something different to spice things up at my job, so help a me out CliqueClack! Pick me for this set!!
I just absolutely love this show! I started watching during season 5 and ran out and bought all the previous seasons and I’ve been hooked ever since! I would love to have the desk set for one it’s will make an awesome edition to my Psych collection and i would love to have this at my desk at work! i could use some delicious flavor to perk up my boring desk!
If I won all this Psych stuff I’d impress all my nerdy friends which I could use to my advantage in any coolness contest.
I love the show. Recently I started to watch the reruns to see if I could spot the pineapples in each episode. My favorite parts of the show are when Shawn andGus pick on Lasster. Very funny! This desk set would make my desk so much cooler!
Why do I want this set? How do I love thee show? Let me count the ways.
I can’t even get into how cool the show is. I’m a grown woman, and it’s one of the only bonding experiences I get with my parents, one of the only things we agree on. I live in a different state now, but it’s an awesome reason to keep in touch and discuss the hilarious antics. Plus, the pop culture references are so ridiculously exciting. I find myself watching and rewatching just to see what I’ve missed. I could go on and on, so I won’t… it would take away time from reading more cliqueclack.
As to the desk set, I would die for it. (not really, Shawn – this isn’t a case…). But seriously. I’ve been down and out on luck recently – I started a new job 6 weeks ago, and was laid off last week due to budget cuts. It was devastating to say the least. A super awesome psych desk-set could be just the pizzazz I need as I update resume’s and look for new employment. I could see it now, the poppin stapler putting the final touches on what could be a masterpiece! With just the right inspiration, of course. Besides that, it’s super cool and WHO doesn’t love pineapple USB drives.
I’m also a freak for office supplies – anything office related is my go-to feel better shopping.. this would just seriously top the (pineapple upside down) cake.
I like the nicknames they use on the show.
I love Psych! I’m actually watching my own mini marathon of Season 6 right now, in anticipation of the premiere on Wednesday
I love the mix of hilarious friends, shenanigans, tons of quotable moments & of course a little mystery! Psych rules!
I love Psych. I think that Shawn and Gus are a very funny pair. I’m not always crazy about the flashback scenes, but overall, I find it very funny and I love watching it every week! I can’t wait for the 27th!
I think it’s cool that Psych has an audio commentary on almost every DVD, so viewers can get a little behind-the-scenes scoop on every episode. It’s fun to listen to them throwing around crazy ideas on the Season 1 and 2 commentaries that actually became real episodes in Seasons 3 – 6.
Another cool thing about Psych is that it’s good, clean, intergenerational fun. That sort of show is difficult to come by these days. I can talk about Psych with my students and baby sisters (well, they’re teenagers now, so I guess they’re not *really* babies anymore) without worrying that a tasteless scene or topic will come up.
Speaking of my students, I’d love to have this desk set because I am a teacher who ALWAYS needs new desk supplies! My students and I would really appreciate it!
Psych is, has been, and will always be my all time favorite show ! I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it would be to me if I were the one to win this awesome prize pack! I’ll probably jump up and down uncontrolably giggling from happiness for about 3 days straight! Creepy right? but damn if that isn’t love for the show! Thanks for this incredible chance!
I’ve just recently started watching Psych and I love it! I can’t believe I didn’t get into it before this! Thanks Netflix for giving me a chance to catch up
So far, I have to say I LOVE Gus! Poor guy is so sweet and has to put up with so much! I’d love to win this set because, although I’m a new fan I am also a HUGE one
I’ve been a fan of the show since it started and it was probably the show that was most responsible for my loyalty to USA. The Psych panel is always a highlight of Comic-Con for me and it is just a really fun show to watch.
I love this show – Shawn and Gus crack me up with their antics
I always love the wacky names Shawn uses for Gus, which have gotten racier in the last season. I’m looking forward to seeing how much further they can push this with the USA censors.
The Psych desk set would be put to good use during this insanely crazy Tax Season.
Gus and Shawn make the best team ever. I seriously can’t get enough of them, they are beyond hilarious. Never know what they are going to say next, and they come up with the best nicknames ever.
I love the way two complement each other and have such a good time on the show despite the dangerous situations they might be faced with. Love the show and would love to win this set!
Thanks for the offer.
Love the characters, the humor, the action and the drama! Bring it on!!!
I would like this desk set for my desk at work (moreso, I actually need it), because attempting to get office supplies where I work is like pulling teeth; even worse most of the time. Thank you CliqueClack!
My best friend and I are OBSESSED! We get together all the time for Psych marathons! All we can think about sometimes is Psych, like at the supermarket! Apparently people don’t appreciate if you run of to the pineapple section and point out every single one saying, “I FOUND THE PINEAPPLE!” or when I introduce my best friend with some of the names Gus has been introduced as. This Psych desk set would be a great addition to my Psych Night!! And I can’t wait for the new episodes!! I’m counting the days until I see the casts’ lovely faces on my tv screen!!!!
I love Psyche! My favorite quote ever is
Shawn: Oh, you mean my pilot’s license? That’s out back in the Cessna. Or perhaps you’re referring to my license to kill. Revoked. Trouble at the Kazakhstan border. I could give you the details but then I’d have to kill you, which I can’t do because my license to kill has been revoked.
probably the goofiest show on tv and i’m lovin it!
As a long time PsychO, I am dying to have this desk set to add to my collection. I would love to be able to take the desk set to work to publicly show off my PsychO-ness and get more victims… I mean viewers… for the show!
Psych is my favorite show! So obviously I’d love to have this desk set. I’d totally take it to work and use it at my desk. I don’t have a TV right now (so I have to wait for iTunes), but maybe if I had a super cool Psych desk set someone else would see it and invite me over to watch every episode!
I have been watching Psych since the very beginning, and it’s still one of the best shows on TV. It’s one of my all-time favorites and I watch the episodes over and over and over all the time! It would be great to show that love off with super cool desk supplies!
Side note: I happen to love office supplies. Like, a lot. And Psych ones? Watch out, world.
I am so in love with Shawn and Gus! I love the flashbacks, the drama, love story and comedic elements!
I’m a huge fan of the show and just love anything Psych related!
My roommates and I love watching Psych together so we could definitely use this to spice up our apartment