Robin Sparkles’ latest song: P.S. I Love You

Robin Sparkles returns, perhaps for the last time, to ‘How I Met Your Mother’. It’s Robin Sparkles Four, Ya’ll!
Say what you will about the perceived decline of How I Met Your Mother in recent years — and we have had that conversation several times around the halls of CliqueClack HQ — we can all get behind a Robin Sparkles appearance. We first found out about Robin’s alter ego way back in Season Two’s “Slap Bet” and has several appearances since … though we are all trying to forget “Sandcastles in the Sand” ever happened.
Each time ol’ Sparkles comes to town, we get a look into what the Canadian 90s pop music scene was like, and this week was no exception. It looks like Robin Sparkles went all Alanis Morissette, rebranding herself Robin Daggers, and releasing the song “P.S. I Love You:”
You, you’re beautiful
On your pedestal
I see you
You don’t see me
Am I just too young
Or just too dum [sic]
Or maybe just too grungy
I’m wearing my flannel
And I’m thinking of you
I’m lacing my boots
And I’m thinking of you
I’ll never move on
It will always be you
Every guy that I’m with
I’ll be thinking of you
If I get married
He’ll always be second to you
I’ll always be waiting for you
P.S. I love you
The law can’t stop my love
I’ll fit you like a glove
Restraining orders don’t scare me
The lawyers at the record company
Made me promise to say that
“The views expressed in this song do not necessarily reflect the views of Dominant Records or any of its subsidiaries.”
I’m totally a slacker
And I don’t even care
With my curling ‘zines
And my faraway stare
But deep down inside
Yeah, deep down inside
I’m dying
I’m trapped in a cage
Of the tears I cry
I’m praying to God
But SHE doesn’t reply
Even the robot says
I’m trying!
P.S. I Love You
And just because I know you’ll be looking for it, here are the guys people it was speculated “P.S. I Love You” was about:
- William Shatner
- Knowlton Nash
- Joshua Jackson
- Toller Chanston
- Ryan Reynolds
- Gordon Lightfoot
- Corey Hart
- Danny Gallivan
- Brian Mulroney
- Ed Robertson
- Wayne Gretzky
- David Suzuki
- Howie Mandel
- Brad Roberts
- Fergie Olver
- Mel Lastman
- Neil Young
- Mike Myers
I loved this episode, this season has been getting better and better and it really starts to feel like old HIMYM.
How awesome was it to have dave coulier in that episode?
Cut it out!
Why does everyone think this song is about me??
At least Robin didn’t make them wait to find out who it was about. Have we ever learned who Alanis was singing about? I’m still trying to figure out who Carly Simon bemoaned in “You’re So Vain.”
Alanis was singing about “Dave Coulier.” That’s what made his appearances so funny. Note: I read somewhere Alanis was one of two Canadians they tried to get for show, but were unsuccessful.
Also, no answer on Carly Simon, but one of the popular guesses is Warren Beatty.
it was never confirmed that Coulier was the subject of Alanis’s song
that is why his appearance was funny
I’ve watched the episode twice.
In general, Canadians of a certain age/generation know that Robin Sparkles was based on Alanis. Watch Alanis’s big pop hit, which she resurrected in acoustic form in the mid 00s. It was her “Let’s go to the mall”. When I saw the Sandcastles in the Sand video I wondered why they got Tiffany and Debbie Gibson but not Alanis.
As a Canadian there were so many things about this episode that made me giddy. As a fan of the show, it also made me giddy. (E.g. the gang’s excitement when Barney pulled out the video.)
Sure, in real life this stuff would be on YouTube, Robin would likely run into Shaffer in New York and her accent would not be that terrible, but we can suspend belief because of all the legendary awesomeness.
In case you didn’t know, after the show Tim Horton’s made “The Priestly” just to say that they had and to tweet about it.