Seth Green is the King of all Geeks

Seth Green is the Geek Godfather. In a surprisingly cozy New York Comic Con press room, we gathered around a table with ‘Robot Chicken’ co-creator Seth Green and voice talent Clare Grant to discuss Robot Chicken’s past and future seasons. Honestly, it felt less like an interview and more like a geek session you might find in any NYCC hallway.
The nice thing about talking to another comic geek is he probably has a fully-indexed mental rolodex of every single comic ever created and when. I loved Robot Chicken’s DC Comics special alongside the Star Wars specials, and wondered if Robot Chicken might hit Marvel next with the Phoenix Saga. I’ll call Seth’s a Geek’s Geek because, after I said “Phoenix Saga,” he instantly knew what I meant. In fact, the entire press room interview went that way, with people throwing out casual questions/comments which rolled into a table conversation before another question rolled out. It was the least competitive press room table ever. And I loved it. Like kids showing the coolest geek in school, wanting his approval, people even showed him their Superman comic purchases. Maybe Geek King isn’t the best word for him; Geek Godfather probably works better.
I noticed that most of the Adult Swim cartoon guys didn’t do the pretty posing pictures or, if they did, it wasn’t for too long, which probably accounts for the enjoyable, casual vibe. Seth arrived in the press room without fanfare, plopped down at our table and started talking. And, we just followed his lead. The reason I jumped on the Robot Chicken pressroom is not only due to my enjoyment of the show and the specials, but my longstanding respect for the 2009 Roller Skating Party. When I was a graduate student living in Upper State New York, I drove all day to Philadelphia only to stand in line for one-two hours (more like one hour) for the opportunity to roller skate at the Robot Chicken Gym Class Heroes roller party. I even took a bitchin’ picture with Matt Senreich (which I later learned he took with everyone!) I remembered watching Seth skate around the rink like a tiny speed rocket, easily outpacing the rest of us. So, of course I asked about the roller skating party and their ideas for the next Robot Chicken special.
Will a roller skating party take place? Probably. But, possibly not in the immediate, immediate future. According to Clare, they’ll probably focus on the South. And, when they do it, they’ll tighten logistics up a bit more. Will the Phoenix Saga serve as their next Robot Chicken Special? While it’s up in the air, they had so much fun doing the DC Comics episode and have so much material leftover, they might do a second DC Comics special before moving onto anything else. Personally, I believe they could even do a third DC episode, if they touch on the Teen Titans, Young Justice and every single other teen spin-off of main DC characters.
Green’s incredibly down-to-earth nature, impossibly pretty eyes, and ability to make eye contact with all of us, impressed me. He’s clearly still a fanboy at heart and would love to do a Whedonverse episode. Joss Whedon fans take heart: this season will feature a zombie Joss Whedon. Clearly, he’s as much a fan of Joss as the rest of us. The minute someone mentioned Joss’s name, he gushed “isn’t he awesome?” I loved Robot Chicken from day one and assumed everything was puppies and kittens with the off-color rape joke (which I always questioned) thrown in. However, according to Seth, Robot Chicken’s path wasn’t always that smooth. In the beginning, he and Matt had 207 storyboards and didn’t realize it couldn’t be done until the writers “mutinied.” But, they grew to learn more about stop motion as they worked with and communicated more with their animation staff. Seth loves every part of the animation process, from the figures on up, but Clare believes he enjoys voice directing more. Of course, he unabashedly admitted to loving actors. Clare is amazingly gorgeous. If Seth isn’t thanking himself every night for snagging her, I’d be shocked. They held hands together all throughout the interview, showing the couple that geeks together, stays together, while discussing their love of toy collectibles. Overall, Seth really trusts his writers. Is there anything they haven’t done they didn’t want to do? Basically, no. At the beginning of each season, just throw up on a wall what they’ve done and haven’t done, and go from there.
Although the DC Comics special started Robot Chicken‘s sixth season in September with a hilarious bang, Adult Swim already ordered a seventh season for 2013. Although you can check out Robot Chicken episodes (including the DC special), if you can stay up until midnight (which I can’t), check it out on Cartoon Network on Sunday nights at midnight. This season will bring Elizabeth Banks (30 Rock), Sarah Chalke (Scrubs), Kat Dennings (2 Broke Girls), Sam Elliott, Whoopi Goldberg (everything awesome), Megan Hilty (Smash), Gillian Jacobs (Community), Zachary Levi (Chuck), Jon Stewart (Daily Show), Patrick Stewart, Stanly Tucci, and Olivia Wilde.